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اشترك في: الاثنين إبريل 05, 2010 7:23 pm |
مشاركات: 13047 | مكان: المنصورة |
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
فستان تريكو بنص كم رقيق جدا بالباترون
Knitted dress in garter st with short sleeves and lace pattern

Size: S - M - L - XL - XXL - XXXL Materials: 500-550-600-650-750-800g
CIRCULAR NEEDLE SIZE 4 mm (80 cm) - or size needed get 21 sts x 28 rows in stocking st = 10 x 10 cm, and 21 sts x 42 rows in garter st = 10 x 10 cm. 17 sts pattern according to A.4 = width 10 cm. CIRCULAR NEEDLE (60 or 80 cm) SIZE 3.5 mm - for lace pattern in waist.
GARTER ST (in the round on circular needle): 1 ridge = * K 1 round and P 1 round *, repeat from *-*.
GARTER ST (back and forth on needle): K all rows. 1 ridge = 2 rows K.
PATTERN: See diagrams A.1 to A.4.
INCREASE TIP: Inc 1 st by working 2 sts in the same st.
DECREASE TIP 1 (applies to dec in waist): Beg 1 st before st with marker and dec as follows: Slip 1 st as if to K, K 2 tog, psso (= 2 sts dec).
DECREASE TIP 2 (applies to dec at the sleeves): All dec are done from RS! Dec as follows before marker and before edge st: K 2 tog. Dec as follows after marker and after edge st: Slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso. ----------------------------------------------------------
DRESS: Loosely cast on 324-360-396-432-468-504 sts on circular needle size 4 mm with Cotton Light. Work pattern according to diagram A.1. When A.1 has been worked, 252-280-308-336-364-392 sts remain on needle. Then work pattern according to A.2 (= 9-10-11-12-13-14 repetitions with A.2 on round). When A.2 has been worked (piece measures approx. 10 cm), insert 4 markers in the piece as follows: Work 42-42-42-56-56-70 sts, insert 1 marker in next st, work 41-55-69-55-69-55 sts, insert 1 marker in next st, work 83-83-83-111-111-139 sts, insert 1 marker in next st, work 41-55-69-55-69-55 sts, insert 1 marker in next st and work the last 41-41-41-55-55-69 sts on round. Then work in stocking st in the round (move the markers upwards when working). AT THE SAME TIME when piece measures 11 cm, dec 2 sts at every marker – READ DECREASE TIP 1 (= 8 sts dec). Repeat dec every 4th round, 11-12-13-14-14-15 more times (= 12-13-14-15-15-16 dec in total) = 156-176-196-216-244-264 sts. When piece measures 30 cm in all sizes, K 1 round while AT THE SAME TIME dec 0-2-4-0-4-0 sts evenly = 156-174-192-216-240-264 sts. Remove the markers, switch to circular needle size 3.5 mm and work pattern according to diagram A.3. When piece measures approx. 49-50-51-52-53-54 cm (stop after 1 round with holes), K 1 round while AT THE SAME TIME dec 8-10-12-14-14-14 sts evenly = 148-164-180-202-226-250 sts. P 1 round, K 1 round and P 1 round. K 1 round while AT THE SAME TIME dec 28-36-36-42-42-42 sts evenly = 120-128-144-160-184-208 sts. Then continue pattern according to diagram A.4. When A.4 has been worked, K 1 round while AT THE SAME TIME inc 28-36-36-42-42-44 sts evenly = 148-164-180-202-226-252 sts. P 1 round. Insert 1 marker at beg of round and 1 marker after 74-82-90-101-113-126 sts (= sides) – NOW MEASURES PIECE FROM HERE! Switch back to circular needle size 4 mm and work in GARTER ST in the round on circular needle - see explanation above. When piece measures 3 cm, inc 1 st on each side of both markers – READ INCREASE TIP (= 4 sts inc). Repeat inc when piece measures 6 and 9 cm = 160-176-192-214-238-264 sts. When piece measures 10 cm - adjust so that next round is a P round, cast off 8-10-12-16-20-24 sts in each side for armholes (i.e. cast off 4-5-6-8-10-12 sts on each side of both markers) = 72-78-84-91-99-108 sts remain on front and back piece.
BACK PIECE: = 72-78-84-91-99-108 sts. Beg with K from RS and cast off at beg of row in each side as follows: Cast off 2 sts 1-1-2-2-2-2 times in each side = 68-74-76-83-91-100 sts, cut the thread. Now work in sleeve caps on back piece as follows (1st row = RS): Cast on 30-30-32-34-36-38 sts on needle, insert 1 marker, work the 68-74-76-83-91-100 sts from back piece, insert 1 marker and cast on 30-30-32-34-36-38 sts on needle = 128-134-140-151-163-176 sts. Continue in garter st back and forth on circular needle size 4 mm. AT THE SAME TIME on next row from RS beg dec as follows - READ DECREASE TIP 2:
Dec 1 st at beg and end of row inside 1 edge st: Dec every 4th row (i.e. every other row from RS) a total of 12-12-13-13-14-14 times.
AT THE SAME TIME dec in each side in towards sleeves (i.e. before first marker and after 2nd marker seen from RS): Dec every 4th row (i.e. every other row from RS): 1 st 12-12-13-13-14-14 times in total.
AT THE SAME TIME dec in each side in towards back piece (i.e. after first marker and before 2nd marker seen from RS): Dec every other row (i.e. every row from RS): 1 st 0-2-2-4-7-9 times in total.
NECK DEC: AT THE SAME TIME when piece measures 76-78-80-82-84-86 cm, cast off the middle 34-34-36-37-37-38 sts from RS for neck and finish each shoulder separately.
RIGHT SHOULDER: Continue dec towards sleeve cap as before. After last dec there are 23-24-24-27-28-32 sts on needle (i.e. 17-18-18-19-20-22 shoulder sts + 6-6-6-8-8-10 sts remain at the top on sleeve cap). K 1 row from WS and slip the outermost 6-6-6-8-8-10 sts on sleeve cap on 1 stitch holder. Continue in garter st back and forth over the 17-18-18-19-20-22 shoulder sts AT THE SAME TIME as sts from sleeve cap is worked tog with sts on needle as follows: K 1 row from RS until 1 st remains on left needle, slip last st over to right needle without working it, slip first and second st from stitch holder back on left needle, pass the slipped st from right needle back on left needle and K these 3 sts tog, turn, tighten thread and K 1 row from WS, * K 1 row from RS until 1 st remains on left needle, slip last st over to right needle without working it, slip next st from stitch holder back on left needle, pass the slipped st from right needle back on left needle and K these 2 sts tog, turn, tighten thread and K 1 row from WS *, repeat these 2 rows from *-* until all sts on stitch holder have been worked tog with last st on row, loosely cast off. Yoke measures approx. 25-26-27-28-29-30 cm from marker. Dress measures approx. 80-82-84-86-88-90 cm.
LEFT SHOULDER: Work as right shoulder but after last dec, slip the outermost 6-6-6-8-8-10 sts on sleeve cap on 1 stitch holder. Beg from WS and K 1 row until 1 st remains on left needle, slip last st over on right needle without working it, slip first and second st from stitch holder back on left needle, pass the slipped st from right needle back on left needle and K these 3 sts tog, turn, tighten thread and K 1 row from RS, then repeat the 2 rows from *-* as on right shoulder (but with start from WS) until all sts on stitch holder have been worked tog with last st on row, loosely cast off.
FRONT PIECE: = 72-78-84-91-99-108 sts. Work as back piece and cast on for sleeve caps in each side as on back piece = 128-134-140-151-163-176 sts. Then dec on front piece and sleeve caps as on back piece but when piece measures 68-70-72-74-76-78 cm, cast off the middle 34-34-36-37-37-38 sts for neck and finish each shoulder separately. Continue dec and then work as right and left shoulder on back piece. Yoke measures approx. 25-26-27-28-29-30 cm from marker. Dress measures approx. 80-82-84-86-88-90 cm.
ASSEMBLY: Sew shoulder seams and down along sleeve caps - sew in front loop of outermost st to avoid chunky seams.
