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اشترك في: الاثنين إبريل 05, 2010 7:23 pm |
مشاركات: 13047 | مكان: المنصورة |
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
جاكت تريكو حريمى رقيق مشغول على شكل دائرة بالباترون Knitted jacket worked in a circle with lace pattern

Size: S/M – L/XL – XXL /XXXL Materials: 300-350-400 g colour no 3112, dusty pink 125-150-175 g colour no 03, light pink
DOUBLE POINTED NEEDLES AND CIRCULAR NEEDLE SIZE 6 mm (60 and 80 cm) - or size needed to get 15 sts x 19 rows in stocking st with 1 thread of each yarn = 10 x 10 cm.
GARTER ST (in the round on circular needle): 1 ridge = * K 1 round and P 1 round *, repeat from *-*.
PATTERN: See diagram A.1. Diagram shows all rows in pattern seen from RS.
JACKET WORKED IN A CIRCLE: Worked in the round in a circle from mid back. First work on double pointed needles, then switch to circular needle when needed.
Cast on 12 sts with 1 thread of each yarn and distribute them on 4 double pointed needles size 6 mm. K 1 round while AT THE SAME TIME working 2 sts in all sts = 24 sts. K 1 round without inc. On next round, work as follows: * K 1, K 2 in next st *, repeat from *-* = 36 sts. Then work according to diagram A.1 (= 6 repetitions in the round). REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION! Switch to circular needle when needed. When A.1 has been worked, there are 234 sts on needle. Insert 1 marker in each of the tips on the star (in the middle st in every repetition) = 6 markers in total. Work in stocking st AT THE SAME TIME inc 1 st on each side of markers. Inc with 1 YO on each side of sts with marker – on next round K yo twisted to avoid holes = 12 inc sts per round. Repeat inc every other round 1-2-3 more times (24-36-48 inc sts in total) = 258-270-282 sts (42-44-46 sts between every marker). Then work 2 ridges in GARTER ST – see explanation above - over all sts, without inc. On next round K while AT THE SAME TIME cast off all sts between 1st and 2nd marker, cast off the middle 32-34-36 sts between 2nd and 3rd marker and the middle 32-34-36 sts between 6th and 1st marker for armhole. P next round, AT THE SAME TIME knit up 1 new st in every cast off st between 1st and 2nd marker, and cast on 32-34-36 new sts over the cast off sts between 2nd and 3rd marker and 6th and 1st marker. (Sts between 1st and 2nd marker is equivalent to the shoulder width at the top. To avoid the shoulder width being to wide, cast off these sts and knit them up again on next row. This will stop the piece from being to long over the shoulder.) When all sts have been cast on/knitted up, there are 258-270-282 sts on needle. Work 1 ridge. Piece measures approx. 31-32-33 cm from centre.
Then work in stocking st, AT THE SAME TIME inc 1 st each side of sts with markers (= 12 inc). Inc with YO (work twisted on next round to avoid holes). Repeat inc every other round 9-11-13 more times (10-12-14 inc in total) = 378-414-450 sts.
Keep sts between 2nd and 4th marker on needle, slip the other sts on a stitch holder = 125-137-149 sts on needle. Then work in stocking st back and forth over sts on needle, AT THE SAME TIME at the end of every row slip the last 4 sts on stitch holder (do not work them, turn), continue until 37-49-61 sts remain on row. Slip the last 37-49-61 sts on stitch holder. Slip sts between 5th and 1st marker on circular needle size 6 mm, work the same way as in the other side. Then K all sts from RS back on to circular needle size 6 mm - between every time sts where slipped on stitch holders in each side, get the thread and twist it before slipping it on needle (i.e. between every 4th st, to avoid holes in the transitions), in addition inc evenly so that there are 452-496-540 sts in total on needle.
Work 2 ridges. Then work according to A.2. Work A.2 A, repeat A.2 B until 2 sts remain and end with A.2 C. Work A.2 for 6 cm, work 1 ridge and cast off.
SLEEVE: Worked in the round on double pointed needles. Cast on 36-38-40 sts on double pointed needles size 6 mm with 1 thread of each yarn. Insert 1 marker at beg of round = mid under sleeve. Work 2 ridges. Continue in stocking st. When piece measures 8 cm, inc 1 st on each side of marker mid under. Repeat inc every 4-3½-3 cm 10-11-13 more times (11-12-14 inc in total) = 58-62-68 sts. When piece measures 53-54-56 cm, cast off 6 sts mid under sleeve and work back and forth until finished measurements. Then cast off for sleeve cap at beg of every row in each side: 3 sts 3 times = 34-38-44 sts. Cast off the remaining sts, sleeve measures approx. 56-57-59 cm. Sew in sleeves.
