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اشترك في: الاثنين إبريل 05, 2010 7:23 pm |
مشاركات: 13047 | مكان: المنصورة |
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
جاكت حريمى تريكو بغرزة لاسيه طويل بالباترون
Knitted jacket with lace pattern

Size: S - M - L - XL - XXL - XXXL Materials: Colour no 77t, light plum: 450-500-550-600-650-700 g
CIRCULAR NEEDLE SIZE 8 mm (80 cm) - or size needed to get 11 sts x 15 rows in stocking st = 10 x 10 cm (approx. 10 sts in diagram A.1 = width 10 cm).
GARTER ST (back and forth on needle): K all rows. 1 ridge = 2 rows K.
PATTERN: See diagram A.1, diagram shows 1 pattern repetition seen from RS.
INCREASE TIP: Inc 1 st by making 1 YO. On next row work YO twisted (i.e. work in back loop of st instead of front) to avoid holes. --------------------------------------------------------
JACKET: Worked back and forth on needle in one. Start at the top of front piece and cast on for back piece afterwards.
FRONT PIECE: Cast on 84-84-88-88-92-96 sts on circular needle size 8 mm with Eskimo. On 1st row (= RS) work rib as follows: 1 edge st in GARTER ST - see explanation above, * K 2, P 2 *, repeat from *-*, finish with K 2 and 1 edge st in garter st. Continue rib with 1 edge st in garter st in each side for 5 cm. On last row from WS, K while AT THE SAME TIME dec 16-14-16-14-16-16 sts evenly on row = 68-70-72-74-76-80 sts. On next row from RS work as follows: 1 edge st in garter st, work A.1 and finish with 1 edge st in garter st. REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION! Continue with pattern with 1 edge st in garter st in each side until piece measures 18-18-20-20-22-22 cm (last row = WS). At the end of the next 2 rows cast on 3 sts in each side = 74-76-78-80-82-86 sts - while AT THE SAME TIME continuing pattern over the middle 66-68-70-72-74-78 sts and work the outermost 4 sts (3 new sts + 1 edge st from earlier = sleeve edges) each side in garter st. When piece measures 26-28-30-32-33-35 cm, work last row from WS as follows: K over all sts - while AT THE SAME TIME inc 8 sts in all sizes - READ INCREASE TIP - evenly over the middle sts, (not over the outermost 4 sts in garter st) = 82-84-86-88-90-94 sts. At the end of the next 2 rows, cast on 9-11-11-13-13-15 sts in each side = 100-106-108-114-116-124 sts - AT THE SAME TIME work in stocking st over the middle sts. Continue in stocking st over the middle sts - but work the outermost 13-15-15-17-17-19 sts (= sleeve edge) in each side in garter st. Continue to work like this until piece measures 29-31-33-35-37-38 cm (last row = WS). At the end of the next 2 rows, cast on 20-20-22-22-24-24 sts in each side = 140-146-152-158-164-172 sts - AT THE SAME TIME work in stocking st over the middle sts.
BACK PIECE: = 140-146-152-158-164-172 sts. Continue in stocking st over the middle sts but work the 6 sts in each side in garter st until finished measurements. When piece measures 62-66-70-74-78-83 cm, K over all sts on last row from WS - AT THE SAME TIME dec 20-20-20-20-20-22 sts evenly over the middle sts (not over the 6 sts in garter st in each side) = 120-126-132-138-144-150 sts remain. Then work A.1 - but continue the outermost 6 sts in garter st until finished measurements - until piece measures 74-78-82-87-91-96 cm. On last row from WS, K over all sts - while AT THE SAME TIME inc 22-24-26-28-30-32 sts evenly over the middle sts (not over the 6 sts in garter st in each side) = 142-150-158-166-174-182 sts. Then work rib on next row from RS as follows: 6 sts in garter st, * K 2, P 2 *, repeat from *-* until 8 sts remain, finish with K 2 and 6 sts in garter st. Continue rib with 6 sts in garter st in each side until piece measures 77-81-85-90-94-99 cm, loosely cast off all sts with K over K and P over P.
ASSEMBLY: Sew edge A against edge B - see chart - in front loop of outermost st = side seam, the remaining opening is left armhole. Sew tog short sides on sleeve edge. Repeat the same way with edge C and edge D in the other side (= right side seam and armhole).
