Fits shoe size: 35/37 - 38/40 - 42/44 Foot length: 22 - 25 - 28 cm Materials: Colour no 77t, light plum: 250-250-300 g And use:Colour no 03, dark brown: 50 g for all sizes
STRAIGHT NEEDLES SIZE 8 mm - or size needed to get 11 sts x 15 rows in stocking st with Eskimo = 10 x 10 cm before felting. WOOD BUTTON COCONUT, NO 516: 6 pieces for all sizes
COLOUR CHANGE: Change colour on same row as follows: Work the first 4 sts on row with dark brown, work next st with light plum - but twine the threads first at the back so that the two parts are linked tog. ---------------------------------------------------------
LEFT SLIPPER: Worked in one, beg at the top of leg. Loosely cast on 24-25-26 sts on needles size 8 mm with dark brown. K 5 rows (1st row = RS, beg of row seen from RS = mid back, end of row seen from RS = mid front). REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION! Switch to light plum. Then work in stocking st. AT THE SAME TIME on 1st row with light plum, dec 2 sts (by P 2 tog) evenly = 22-23-24 sts. When piece measures 17-17-19 cm, cast on new sts for foot at the end of every row from RS as follows: Cast on 2 sts 3-4-6 times, 1 st 3-3-2 times = 31-34-38 sts. When piece measures 50-53-56 cm, cast off for leg at beg of every row from WS as follows: Cast off 1 st 3-3-2 times, 2 sts 3-4-6 times = 22-23-24 sts. On next row from RS work as follows: Work 13-13-14 sts, turn and work back from WS (= 9-10-10 sts remain in the left side, slip the sts on a stitch holder). Continue in stocking st over the 13-13-14 sts until piece measures 72-76-82 cm. P 1 row from WS while AT THE SAME TIME inc 1 st = 14-14-15 sts. Switch to dark brown and K 5 rows. Loosely cast off. Now work band over the remaining sts in the left side as follows: With dark brown cast on 4 sts on row (= band), then switch to light plum - READ COLOUR CHANGE - and work from RS the 9-10-10 sts on stitch holder with light plum = 13-14-14 sts in total on needle. Continue with dark brown over the first 4 sts (= band sts) and light plum over the other sts until piece measures 72-76-82 cm. P 1 row from WS while AT THE SAME TIME inc 1 st over sts in light plum = 14-15-15 sts. Switch to dark brown and K with dark brown over all sts on next row. K 4 more rows (= 5 rows K). Loosely cast off.
ASSEMBLY: Fold the slipper double RS against RS and sew tog mid back in front loop of outermost sts. Sew the same way at the front over the foot and up along leg mid front. Turn the slipper with RS out. Place band in dark brown over the other side of slipper and fasten it as follows: Beg from short side of band and continue along the entire long side of band. Sew long side on the other side of slipper to the back of band. Sew on 3 buttons on band through all layers.
RIGHT SLIPPER: Cast on and work as left slipper but reversed.
FELTING: Place the slippers in the washing machine with a detergent without enzymes and optical bleach. Wash at 40 degrees with normal spin but no pre-wash. Put on the slipper and shape it to the correct size while it is still wet. At subsequent wash, wash the slippers at regular wool programme.
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