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 عنوان المشاركة: طقم مكون من بونشو وقبعة ورست تريكو بباترون جاكار جميل
مرسل: الأحد مايو 05, 2013 7:44 am 
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اشترك في: الاثنين إبريل 05, 2010 7:23 pm
مشاركات: 13047
مكان: المنصورة

طقم مكون من بونشو وقبعة ورست تريكو بباترون جاكار جميل

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

طقم مكون من بونشو وقبعة ورست تريكو بباترون جاكار جميل للبنات حتى تتألقى فى الشتاء

Set consist of: Knitted poncho, hat and wrist warmers with fair-isle pattern


Size: S - M - L - XL - XXL - XXXL
Materials:200-250-250-300-300-350 g colour no 601, dark brown eco / or no 501, light grey
50 g for all sizes in the following colours:
colour no 401, brown eco / or no 517, medium grey
colour no 2915, orange / or no 7300, lime
colour no 2923, goldenrod / or no 100, off white
colour no 3770, dark pink / or no 2923, goldenrod
colour no 6309, medium petrol / or no 7139, dark grey green
colour no 7120, light greyish green / or no 6309, medium petrol

CIRCULAR NEEDLE (60 and 80 cm) SIZE 3 mm - or size needed to get 26 sts x 34 rows in pattern = 10 x 10 cm.
CIRCULAR NEEDLE (80 cm) SIZE 2.5 mm – for rib and garter st.

Size: S/M - M/L
Head circumference: approx. 54/56 - 56/58 cm
Materials:50 g for all sizes in the following colours:
colour no 401, brown eco / or no 517, medium grey
colour no 601, dark brown eco / or no 501, light grey
colour no 2915, orange / or no 7300, lime
colour no 2923, goldenrod / or no 100, off white
colour no 3770, dark pink / or no 2923, goldenrod
colour no 6309, medium petrol / or no 7139, dark grey green
colour no 7120, light greyish green / or no 6309, medium petrol

DOUBLE POINTED NEEDLES and CIRCULAR NEEDLE (40 cm) SIZE 3 mm - or size needed to get 26 sts x 34 rows in pattern = 10 x 10 cm.
CIRCULAR NEEDLE (40 cm) SIZE 2.5 mm – for rib.

Size: One-size
Circumference: approx. 23 cm
Length: approx. 30 cm
Materials: 50 g of the following colours:
colour no 401, brown eco / or no 517, medium grey
colour no 601, dark brown eco / or no 501, light grey
colour no 2915, orange / or no 7300, lime
colour no 2923, goldenrod / or no 100, off white
colour no 3770, dark pink / or no 2923, goldenrod
colour no 6309, medium petrol / or no 7139, dark grey green
colour no 7120, light greyish green / or no 6309, medium petrol

DOUBLE POINTED NEEDLES SIZE 3 mm - or size needed to get 26 sts x 34 rows in pattern = 10 x 10 cm.
Note! This is a proposal intended to inspire and provide an approximate expression of the design in the picture. (Colour number after / in materials, replaces colour no in the original pattern).

See diagrams A.1 to A.3. Work entire pattern in stocking st.

GARTER ST (in the round on circular needle):
* K 1 round and P 1 round *, repeat from *-*.

GARTER ST (back and forth on needle):
K all rows. 1 ridge = 2 rows K.

Worked in the round on circular needle from bottom up. Rounds beg = mid back.
Cast on 460-495-535-570-605-640 sts on circular needle size 2.5 mm with brown eco. Work 2 rounds rib = K 2/P 3. Switch to dark brown eco and continue rib. When rib measures 2 cm, dec every other 3 P sts to 2 P sts = 414-445-481-513-544-576 sts. When rib measures 4 cm, dec the remaining 3 P sts to 2 P sts = 368-396-428-456-484-512 sts. When rib measures 5 cm, switch to circular needle size 3 mm. K 1 round while AT THE SAME TIME dec 56-60-68-72-76-80 sts evenly = 312-336-360-384-408-432 sts. Then work pattern according to diagram A.1 (= 13-14-15-16-17-18 repetitions on the round). When piece measures approx. 8-10-12-14-16-18 cm - adjust after one whole repetition vertically - work A.2. After A.2 there are 156-168-180-192-204-216 sts on needle and piece measures approx. 29-31-33-35-37-39 cm. K 1 round with brown eco while AT THE SAME TIME dec 24-25-26-27-28-29 sts evenly = 132-143-154-165-176-187 sts. Then work A.3. After A.3 there are 120-130-140-150-160-170 sts on needle and piece measures approx. 31-33-35-37-39-41 cm. Switch to circular needle size 2.5 mm and dark brown eco and work 4 rounds in GARTER ST - see explanation above. Now insert 1 marker mid front. Beg mid back and work until 15-17-19-19-20-21 sts remain before marker while AT THE SAME TIME dec 3-3-3-4-6-8 sts evenly over these 45-48-51-56-60-64 sts, cast off the next 30-34-38-38-40-42 sts (i.e. 15-17-19-19-20-21 sts on each side of marker at the front) and work the last 45-48-51-56-60-64 sts on round (i.e. until mid back) while AT THE SAME TIME dec 3-3-3-4-6-8 sts evenly over these sts = 84-90-96-104-108-112 sts remain on needle.

Work a neck edge with a "scarf" on each side of opening at the front as follows (scarfs are sewn tog mid back at the end):
LOOSELY cast on 90-94-96-98-102-104 sts on circular needle size 2.5 mm with dark brown eco, work the 84-90-96-104-108-112 sts on needle, and then LOOSELY cast on 90-94-96-98-102-104 new sts at end of row = 264-278-288-300-312-320 sts. Work in GARTER ST back and forth - see explanation above, until neck edge measures 10-10-11-11-12-12 cm. Now work short rows to make the edge higher at the back of neck as follows: Work 92-98-96-101-101-104 sts, slip these sts on a stitch holder, work the rest of row, turn, work 92-98-96-101-101-104 sts, slip these sts on a stitch holder, work the rest of row, turn, work 6 sts, slip these sts on a stitch holder, work the rest of row, turn piece, work 6 sts, slip these sts on a stitch holder and work the rest of row. Continue like this by slipping the first 6 sts worked in each side on a stitch holder until 20-22-24-26-26-28 sts remain on needle mid back, work the rest of row. Now slip sts from stitch holder back on needle and continue in garter st back and forth over all sts until neck edge measures approx. 12-12-13-13-14-14 cm on the most narrow (i.e. at the outer edge in each side). Then very loosely cast off.
Cross the two "scarfs" mid front, over the shoulder and until mid back so that the short sides meet mid back. Sew short sides tog edge to edge in front loop of outermost sts. Neck edge now lies soft around the opening of the poncho.

See diagram A.4. Work entire pattern in stocking st.

Worked in the round. Cast on 120-128 sts on circular needle size 2.5 mm with brown eco. Work 2 rounds rib = K 2/P 2. Switch to dark brown eco and continue rib until piece measures 5 cm. Switch to circular needle size 3 mm and K 1 round while AT THE SAME TIME inc 24-28 sts evenly = 144-156 sts. Then work PATTERN according to diagram A.4 (= 12-13 repetitions on the round). After diagram A.4, continue with dark brown eco until finished measurements. AT THE SAME TIME when piece measures 20-21 cm (A.4 should now be done), insert 12 markers in the hat, 12-13 sts apart. On next round, dec 1 st after every marker by K 2 tog. Repeat dec every other round 5 more times and then every round a total of 4-5 times = 24-24 sts remain on needle. On next round K tog all sts 2 by 2. Cut the thread and pull it through the remaining sts, tighten tog and fasten. The hat measures approx. 24-26 cm vertically.

Make a dense pompom with brown eco and dark brown eco approx. 3-4 cm in diameter. Sew the pompom on the top of the hat.


See diagram A.5. Work entire pattern in stocking st.

Worked in the round on double pointed needles. Read all of the following section before continuing.
Loosely cast on 64 sts on double pointed needle size 2.5 mm with brown eco. Work rib = K 2/P 2. When rib measures 3 cm, switch to dark brown eco, continue rib. When rib measures 5 cm, switch to double pointed needles size 3 mm. K 1 round while AT THE SAME TIME dec 10 sts evenly = 54 sts. Then work pattern according to diagram A.5 (= 4½ repetitions on round). AT THE SAME TIME on 3rd round in A.5, slip the first 12 sts on round on a stitch holder for thumb opening (after they have been worked) and on next round cast on 12 new sts over the sts on holder = 54 sts. Continue the pattern in the round. On round marked with arrow in diagram, inc 6 sts evenly = 60 sts. When A.5 has been worked 1 time vertically, switch to double pointed needles size 2.5 mm. Now K 1 round with dark brown eco while AT THE SAME TIME inc 12 sts evenly = 72 sts. Then work rib = K 2/P 2. When rib measures 2 cm, switch to brown eco. Work 1 round rib, then loosely cast off with K over K and P over P. Wrist warmer measures approx. 30 cm in length.

Slip the 12 sts from stitch holder back on double pointed needles size 2.5 mm and knit in addition up 12 new sts around thumb opening with dark brown eco = 24 sts. Work rib (= K 2/P 2) in the round until thumb measures 2 cm. Switch to brown eco, work 1 round rib, then loosely cast off with K over K and P over P.

Cast on and work as on right wrist warmer but slip the last 12 sts on round on a stitch holder for thumb opening (instead of the first 12 sts on round).




دورة تعلم الكروشيه من البداية وحتى الإحتراف


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إرسال موضوع جديد الرد على الموضوع  [ مشاركة واحده ] 

أقرا ايضا
بيريت تريكو ورقبة بباترون جاكار بالباترون
جاكت تريكو للبنات كاجوال بباترون جاكار
قفاز تريكو-جوانتى تريكو حريمى بباترون جاكار
باترون شراب تريكو للسيدات بباترون جاكار مميز
باترون بونشو بناتى شيك من التريكو برسمة جاكار
شال مثلث وقبعة تريكو للأنيقات بالباترون
إسكارف وجوانتى وقبعة تريكو للسيدات بلون موف بالباترون
باترون قفاز وقبعة تريكو للنساء بوردة حلزونية جميلة
إسكارف وقفاز وقبعة تريكو بالباترون للأنسات مكملات الأناقه
جاكيت تريكو جميل

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