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 عنوان المشاركة: شنطة تريكو بسيطة وجميلة للبنات بالباترون
مرسل: السبت مايو 04, 2013 4:38 pm 
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اشترك في: الاثنين إبريل 05, 2010 7:23 pm
مشاركات: 13047
مكان: المنصورة

شنطة تريكو بسيطة وجميلة للبنات بالباترون

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

شنطة تريكو بسيطة وجميلة للبنات بالباترون

Felted bag


Measurements before felting: approx. 42 cm wide at the bottom x 41 cm high.
Measurements after felting: approx. 30 cm wide at the bottom x 24 cm high.
Materials: 300 g autumn forest

STRAIGHT NEEDLES SIZE 5 mm - or size needed to get 17 sts x 22 rows in stocking st = 10 x 10 cm.
CROCHET HOOK SIZE 4 mm - for buttonhole loop.

Worked back and forth on needle and sewn tog in the sides when finished. Cast on 55 sts on needle size 5 mm with Big Delight. K 1 row from WS, then work in stocking st. When piece measures 5 cm, inc 1 st in each side, repeat inc every 6 cm 5 more times = 67 sts. When piece measures 41 cm, insert a marker (this marks the bottom of bag) – NOW MEASURE PIECE FROM HERE. When piece measures 6 cm, dec 1 st in each side. Repeat dec every 6 cm 5 more times = 55 sts. When piece measures approx. 41 cm (adjust so that next row is worked from RS), cast off 3 sts in each side (cast off at beg of the next 2 rows) = 49 sts. Continue with the lid.

Continue in stocking st back and forth for 8 rows.
On next row (= RS), dec 1 st at beg and end of row by K2 tog after the first st and before the last st.
Repeat dec every RS row until 9 sts remain on needle. Work in stocking st back and forth over these for 2 cm, then cast off. Cut the thread, leave approx. 50 cm - work buttonhole loop with this thread later.

Insert hook at the edge of lid where cast off thread is, pull thread through piece to make a loop on hook. Then work 12 ch, fasten with 1 sl st in the other side at the edge of lid. Pull thread through loop and fasten the thread.

Worked back and forth on needle. Cast on 8 sts on needle size 5 mm. Work as follows: * K 1, place yarn in front of piece (i.e. towards you), slip 1 st as if to P, place yarn behind piece (from you) *, repeat from *-* the rest of row. Turn piece and repeat from *-* upwards on all rows. Working like this makes a handle worked seemingly in the round. Cast off when piece measures approx. 100 cm.

Fold the bag at the marker in the bottom, sew side seams tog edge to edge in front loop of outermost st to avoid a chunky seam. Fasten the handle in each side of bag.

Place the bag in the washing machine with a detergent without enzymes and optical bleach. Wash at 40 degrees with normal spin but no pre-wash. After wash shape the bag to the right size while still wet and leave to dry flat.
At subsequent wash, wash the bag at regular wool programme.

Sew on button to match the buttonhole loop.

دورة تعلم الكروشيه من البداية وحتى الإحتراف


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