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 عنوان المشاركة: تونك تريكو بالغرز القصيرة مفتوح من الامام بالباترون
مرسل: السبت مايو 04, 2013 4:08 pm 
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اشترك في: الاثنين إبريل 05, 2010 7:23 pm
مشاركات: 13047
مكان: المنصورة

تونك تريكو بالغرز القصيرة مفتوح من الامام بالباترون

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

تونك تريكو بالغرز القصيرة مفتوح من الامام بالباترون برقبة شال للشتاء

Knitted jacket with short rows and shawl collar



Size: S - M - L - XL - XXL -XXXL
Materials:500-550-600-650-700-750 g ocean view 50 g for all sizes in beige

DOUBLE POINTED AND CIRCULAR NEEDLE SIZE 3 mm (80 cm) - or size needed get 24 sts x 32 rows in stocking st and 24 sts x 48 rows in garter st = 10 x 10 cm.
CROCHET HOOK SIZE 3 mm - for edge.

GARTER ST (back and forth on needle):
K all rows. 1 ridge = 2 rows K.

GARTER ST (in the round on circular needle):
1 ridge = 2 rounds * K 1 round and P 1 round *, repeat from *-*.


Worked back and forth from side to side on circular needle to make room for all the sts. Cast on 168-172-178-182-188-192 sts on circular needle size 3 mm with ocean view. Insert 1 marker in the piece when 46-48-50-52-54-56 sts remain on row (seen from RS). This marker shows where the sleeve is sewn in the garment. Work 6 ridges in GARTER ST – see explanation above! Then work short rows as follows, beg from RS (always work the first 3 sts in garter st): * Work 3 sts in garter st, work in stocking st over the next 32 sts, turn and work return row. 3 sts in garter st, work in stocking st over the next 67 sts, turn and work return row. 3 sts in garter st, work in stocking st over the next 102 sts, turn and work return row. 3 sts in garter st, work in stocking st over the next 67 sts, turn and work return row. 3 sts in garter st, work in stocking st over the next 32 sts, turn and work return row, 8 rows in garter st back and forth over all sts *, repeat from *-*, 1 repetition = 8 rows at the top, 18 rows at the bottom. REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION!
Continue in garter st with short rows in stocking st until piece measures 15-17-18-21-22-26 cm, measured at the shortest. On next row from WS cast off the first 5 sts for neck = 163-167-173-177-183-187 sts. Continue in garter st with short rows in stocking st. When piece measures 25-27-30-33-36-40 cm (10-10-12-12-14-14 cm from where neck was cast off), cast on 5 new sts at the end of next row from RS = 168-172-178-182-188-192 sts. Continue as before. When piece measures 40-44-48-54-58-66 cm (the same no of ridges has been worked before and after cast off for neck - adjust to finish after one whole repetition + 2 ridges over all sts), insert a marker in piece when 46-48-50-52-54-56-58 sts remain on row (seen from RS). This marker shows where the sleeve is sewn in the garment. Cast off sts on next row.

Worked from side to side on circular needle to make room for all the sts. Beg in the side and work towards mid front. Cast on 168-172-178-182-188-192 sts on circular needle size 3 mm with ocean view. Insert 1 marker in the piece when 46-48-50-52-54-56 sts remain on row (seen from RS). This marker shows where the sleeve is sewn in the garment. Work 6 ridges in GARTER ST – see explanation above! Then work short rows as follows, beg from RS (always work the first 3 sts in garter st): * Work 3 sts in garter st, work in stocking st over the next 32 sts, turn and work return row. 3 sts in garter st, work in stocking st over the next 67 sts, turn and work return row. 3 sts in garter st, work in stocking st over the next 102 sts, turn and work return row. 3 sts in garter st, work in stocking st over the next 67 sts, turn and work return row. 3 sts in garter st, work in stocking st over the next 32 sts, turn and work return row, 8 rows in garter st back and forth over all sts *, repeat from *-*, 1 repetition = 8 rows at the top, 18 rows at the bottom. Continue in garter st with short rows in stocking st until piece measures 15-17-18-21-22-26 cm, measured at the shortest. At the end of next row from RS, cast on 20-20-22-22-24-24 new sts for collar = 188-192-200-204-212-216 sts. Continue in garter st with short rows in stocking st. When piece measures 20-22-24-27-29-33 cm (5-5-6-6-7-7 cm from where new sts were cast on – stop just before the 8 rows K in a repetition), work in garter st over all sts for 1 cm. Now dec for buttonholes as follows - from RS: Work 82-84-88-92-96-100 sts, K 2 tog, 1 YO, work 16 sts, K 2 tog, 1 YO. Work the rest of row. Continue to work in garter st for 3 cm in total. Cast off.

Work as right front piece but reversed. Beg the short rows from WS. Do not dec for buttonholes.

Worked in the round on double pointed needles. Cast on 56-58-60-62-64-66 sts on double pointed needles size 3 mm with beige. Work in GARTER ST for 4 cm - see explanation above. Change to ocean view. Then work in stocking st. Insert 1 marker at the beg of round. When piece measures 8 cm, inc 1 st on each side of marker, repeat inc every 2½-2-2-2-1½-1½ cm 17-18-19-20-21-22 more times (18-19-20-21-22-23 inc in total) = 92-96-100-104-108-112 sts. When piece measures 54-53-52-50-49-46 cm (shorter measurements in the larger sizes because of broader shoulder width), cast off.

Sew the shoulder seams. Sew side seams from the marker and down. Sew in sleeves. Sew the collar tog mid back and sew it to the neckline. Sew the buttons on to left front piece.

Work an edge around the opening at the front on jacket, beg at the bottom of right front piece, work around the collar and down along left front piece. Work with beige on hook size 3 mm as follows: 1 dc * 3 ch, 1 tr in 1st ch, skip approx. 1 cm, 1 dc *, repeat from *-*. Cut and fasten the thread.


دورة تعلم الكروشيه من البداية وحتى الإحتراف


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أقرا ايضا
بونشو تريكو مفتوح من الامام للفتيات بالباترون
جاكت تريكو حريمى قصير مفتوح من الامام
باترون جاكت تريكو مفتوح من الامام بحردة كم رجلان وغرزة مفتحة
بونشو تريكو حريمى بالغرز الساقطة بسيط وجميل بالباترون
فست تريكو نسائى بالسطور اليابانية القصيرة بالباترون
شال تريكو بغرزة الطوق والسطور القصيرة خفيف بالباترون
باترون فست تريكو بناتى بغرزة الطوق والسطور القصيرة بالباترون
تونك تريكو شتوى ضفاير بالباترون
تونك تريكو بحلية كروشيه على الصدر و الاكمام بالباترون
كوفيه وجاكت تريكو نسائى مفتوح بالباترون

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