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 عنوان المشاركة: غطاء تريكو للأبجورة بضفائر مميزة
مرسل: السبت فبراير 09, 2013 12:04 pm 
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اشترك في: الاثنين إبريل 05, 2010 7:23 pm
مشاركات: 13047
مكان: المنصورة

غطاء تريكو للأبجورة بضفائر مميزة

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

غطاء تريكو للأبجورة بضفائر مميزة

Knitted lamp shade cover


Covers fit lamp shades in with the following dimensions:
Height: 17 - 21 cm
Circumference at the bottom: approx. 75 - 107 cm
Circumference at the top: approx. 58 - 86 cm
1 repetition of pattern at the bottom is equivalent to approx. 16.5 cm in breadth. Covers are worked approx. 10% less in circumference on lamp shades so that they fit tightly, therefore they must be worked approx. 10% longer vertically to avoid them being too short when stretched in breadth.

150-200 g colour no 01, off white

100-150 g colour no 47, light beige

CIRCULAR NEEDLE (80 cm for large and 60 cm for small lamp shade) SIZE 7 mm - or size needed to get 12 sts x 16 rows in stocking st = 10 x 10 cm.

See diagram A-1 for cover with cables and lace pattern and see diagram A-2 for cover with simple lace pattern.

Worked in the round on circular needle, from bottom edge and up.
Cast on 80-120 sts on circular needle size 7 mm with off white. P 1 round and K 1 round. Work next round as follows: * P 5, K 2 in each of the next 3 sts (i.e. 3 sts become 6 sts), P 5, K 7 *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 92-138 sts. Continue with diagram A-1 over all sts (= 4-6 repetitions on the round).
REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION! When piece measures 5-6 cm, dec 1 st in every other P-section by P the first 2 sts tog (i.e. dec a total of 4-6 sts on round). Repeat dec in the other P-sections when piece measures 8-10 cm. When piece measures 11-14 cm, dec 1 st in every other P-section again by P the last 2 sts tog. Repeat dec in the other P-sections when piece measures 14-18 cm = 76-114 sts. When piece measures approx. 17-21 cm, finish after 1 whole repetition of A-1, K 1 round over all sts while AT THE SAME TIME K sts over cables tog 2 by 2 = 64-96 sts. Then P 1 round before casting off with K. Piece measures approx. 19-23 cm vertically.

Worked in the round on circular needle, from bottom edge and up.
Cast on 80-120 sts on circular needle size 7 mm with light beige. P 1 round and K 1 round. Continue with diagram A-2 over all sts (= 10-15 repetitions on the round). REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION!
When piece measures 5-6 cm, dec 1 st in every other P-section by P the first 2 sts tog (i.e. dec a total of 5-8 sts on round). Repeat dec in the other P-sections when piece measures 8-10 cm (now dec 5-7 sts on round). When piece measures 11-14 cm, dec 1 st in every other P-section again by P the last 2 sts tog. Repeat dec in the other P-sections when piece measures 14-18 cm = 60-90 sts. When piece measures approx. 17-21 cm, finish after 1 whole repetition of A-2, K 1 round over all sts and then P 1 round before casting off with K. Piece measures approx. 19-23 cm vertically.



Explanation to pattern diagram


دورة تعلم الكروشيه من البداية وحتى الإحتراف


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غطاء تريكو للبوف بغرزة الطوق
غطاء تريكو للأى باد بغرزة الطحلب مع ضفاير
غطاء تريكو لكاسات الشمع بغرزة الزجزاج
غطاء للخدادية تريكو بغرزة الطوق وألوان متداخلة
غطاء للبوف من التريكو بغرزة لاسيه مع ضفيرة أنيقة
غطاء من التريكو لكاسات الشموع بضفاير وغرزة مخرمة
لعبة تريكو على شكل طفل بالباترون
بطانية تريكو بغرزة الطوق
فوط تريكو للمطبخ والحمام بالباترون
لعبة تريكو على شكل طفلة بالباترون

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