To fit chest measurement
2 21" [53.5 cm]
4 23" [58.5 cm]
6 25" [63.5 cm]
8 26 1/2" [67.5 cm]
10 28" [71 cm]
12 30" [76 cm]
Finished chest
2 25" [63.5 cm]
4 27 1/2" [70 cm]
6 30" [76 cm]
8 32" [81.5 cm]
10 34" [86.5 cm]
12 36" [91.5 cm]
Bernat® Softee® Chunky™ (100 g/3.5 oz; 99 m/108 yds)
Sizes 2 4 6 8 10 12
Eucalyptus (28247) 4 4 5 6 6 7 balls
Sizes 6.5 mm (U.S. 10 /1/2) and 8 mm (U.S. 11) circular knitting needles 24" [60 cm] long. Sizes 6.5 mm (U.S. 10 1/2) and 8 mm (U.S. 11) knitting needles or size needed to obtain gauge. 5 stitch holders. Separating zipper 16 (16-18-20-20-22)" [40 (40-45-50-50-55) cm] long.
7 and 8 rows = 4" [10 cm].
9 sts and 8 rows = 4" [10 cm] in pat.
Beg = Beginning
Cont = Continue(ity)
Dec = Decrease(ing)
Inc(s) = Increase 1 stitch by knitting into front and back of next stitch.
K = Knit
K2(3)tog = Knit next 2(3) stitches together
P = Purl
P2tog = Purl next 2 stitches together
P2togtbl = Purl next 2 stitches together through back loops.
Rem = Remaining
Rep = Repeat
RS = Right side
Ssk = Slip next 2 stitches knitwise one at a time. Pass them back onto left-hand needle, then knit through back loops together.
St(s) = Stitch(es)
WS = Wrong side
The instructions are written for smallest size. If changes are necessary for larger sizes the instructions will be written thus ( ). Numbers for each size are shown in the same color throughout the pattern. When only one number is given in black, it applies to all sizes.
Note: Body is worked in one piece to armholes.
With smaller circular needle, cast on 66 (74-82-86-92-98) sts. Do not join. Working back and forth across needle in rows, proceed as follows:
1st row: (RS). *K2. P2. Rep from * to last 2 sts. K2.
2nd row: *P2. K2. Rep from * to last 2 sts. P2. Rep last 2 rows of (K2. P2) ribbing for 2" [5 cm], ending with a 2nd row and inc 2 (2-0-2-2-2) sts evenly across last row. 68 (76-82-88-94-100) sts.
Change to larger circular needle and proceed in stocking st until work from beg measures 10 (11-12-12 1/2-13 1/2-14 1/2)" [25.5 (28-30.5-32-34.5-37) cm], ending on a purl row.
Divide for armholes:
Next Row: (RS). K16 (18-19-20-22-23) for Right Front. Cast off 2 (2-4-4-4-4) sts. K32 (36-36-40-42-46) for Back (including st on needle after cast off). Cast off 2 (2-4-4-4-4) sts. K16 (18-19-20-22-23) for Left Front (including st on needle after cast off).
Left Front: Cont working on last 16 (18-19-20-22-23) sts for Left Front as follows:
Work 3 (3-3-3-1-1) row(s) even.
Next row: (RS). K2. K2tog. Knit to end of row.
Next row: Purl. Rep last 2 rows 4 (5-6-7-8-9) times more. 11 (12-12-12-13-13) sts rem.
Shape neck: 1st row: (RS). K2. K2tog. Knit to last 2 (3-3-3-4-4) sts. Turn. Leave rem sts on a st holder.
2nd row: P8.
3rd row: K2. (K2tog. K1) twice.
4th row: P1. P2tog. P3.
5th row: K2. K3tog.
6th row: P3.
7th row: K1. K2tog.
8th row: P2
9th row: K2tog. Fasten off.
Back: With WS facing, join yarn to next 32 (36-36-40-42-46) sts for Back and proceed as follows:
Work 3 (3-3-3-1-1) row(s) even.
Next row: (RS). K2. K2tog. Knit to last 4 sts. ssk. K2.
Next row: Purl.
Rep last 2 rows 8 (9-10-11-12-13) times more. Leave rem 14 (16-14-16-16-18) sts on a st holder.
Right Front: With WS facing, join yarn to last 16 (18-19-20-22-23) sts for Right Front and proceed as follows:
Work 3 (3-3-3-1-1) row(s).
Next row: (RS). Knit to last 4 sts. ssk. K2.
Next row: Purl.
Rep last 2 rows 4 (5-6-7-8-9) times more.
Next row: (RS). Knit to last 4 sts. ssk. K2. 10 (11-11-11-12-12) sts rem.
Shape neck: 1st row: (WS). Purl to last
2 (3-3-3-4-4) sts. Turn. Leave rem sts on a st holder.
2nd row: (K1. ssk) twice. K2.
3rd row: P3. P2togtbl. P1.
4th row: K3tog. K2.
5th row: P3.
6th row: K1. ssk.
7th row: P2.
8th row: ssk. Fasten off.
With smaller pair of needles, cast on 22 (22-22-22-22-26) sts.
Work 2" [5 cm] in (K2. P2) ribbing, as given for Back, ending with a 2nd row and inc 0 (0-0-2-2-0) sts evenly across last row. 22 (22-22-24-24-26) sts.
Change to larger pair of needles and proceed in stocking st, inc 1 st each end of needle on next and every following 4th (4th-4th-4th-4th-6th) row until there are 28 (28-34-34-34-42) sts, then every following 6th (6th-6th-6th-6th-8th) row until there are 30 (32-38-40-42-44) sts.
Cont even until work from beg measures 7 1/2 (9 1/2-10 1/2-11 1/2-12 1/2-14)" [19 (24-26.5-29-32-35.5) cm], ending on a purl row.
Shape raglans: Cast off 2 (2-4-4-4-4) sts beg next 2 rows. 26 (28-30-32-34-36) sts.
1st row: (RS). K2. K2tog. Knit to last 4 sts. ssk K2.
2nd row: Purl.
Rep last 2 rows 9 (10-11-12-11-12) times more. 6 (6-6-6-10-10) sts rem.
Sizes 10 and 12 only: Next row: (RS). K2. K2tog. K2. ssk. K2.
Next row: P2. P2togtbl. P2tog. P2.
All sizes: Leave rem 6 sts on a st holder.
Pin all pieces to measurements. Cover with a damp cloth, leaving cloth to dry.
Sew sleeve seams. Sew raglan seams.
Neckband: With RS facing and smaller needles, K2 (3-3-3-4-4) from Front st holder. Pick up and knit 9 sts up Right Front neck edge. K6 from right Sleeve st holder. K14 (16-14-16-16-18) from Back st holder, dec 2 (2-0-2-0-2) sts evenly across. K6 from left Sleeve
st holder. Pick up and knit 9 sts down Left Front neck edge. K2 (3-3-3-4-4) from Front st holder. 46 (50-50-50-54-54) sts.
1st row: (WS). K2. *P2. K2. Rep from * to end of row.
2nd row: K4. *P2. K2. Rep from * to last 2 sts. K2.
Rep last 2 rows twice more. Cast off in rib.
Zipper edging: With RS facing and pair of smaller needles, pick up and knit 44 (48-52-55-59-63) sts along Left Front edge. Cast off. Rep for other side.
Sew zipper in position.