بلوفر تريكو بناتى بكلفه كروشيه بالباترون
Pullover (d) 05 * 72 Phildar
Dimensions a) 2 years - b), the 4 - c) 6 years - d) 8/10 years - e) 12/14 years
Threads PHIL COTON 3 ('50 / 121 m) color CIEL 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 9 skeins
The composition of the model: 100% Cotton
The spokes № 2,5
Spokes number 3
Hook № 2,5
1 needle for wool
Ring Markers
6 buttons dia. 12 mm
Gum 1 x 1
Gum 1 x 2 (1 individuals. Sts, 2 sts. Etc.)
Individuals. smooth surface
The addition of 2 p.ot edge
VP - air loop
PBN (SS) - polustolbik without sc (connecting column)
Sc - sc
PSN - polustolbik with trebles
10 cm faces. surface of the spokes number 3 = 26 sts and 35 p.
Dial: a) 71 n - b) 80 n - c) 89 n - d) Section 95 - e) 116 sts on needles № 2,5, knit elastic band 1 x 2 (see binding) starting and finishing first p. and every odd p. (License side of work) 2 sts. n, 2 cm (8 p.).
Continue individuals. knitting stitch number three, making a) d) the addition of 1 - c) 1 decrease in the first district.
We obtain: a) 72 n - b) 80 n - c) 88 n - d) Section 96 - e) Section 116
At the height of a) 19 cm (66 p.) - B) 21 cm (74 p.) - C) 23 cm (80 p.) - D) 26,5 cm (92 p.) - E) 31 cm (108 p.) from gum 1 x 2, to form the armhole, closing on both sides in each 2 p.:
a) 1 to 3 times n, 1 2 n times and 3 times by 1 pt
b) 1 to 3 times n, 1 2 n times and 3 times by 1 pt
c) 1 to 3 times claim 2 times 2 n and 2 n times 1
d) 1 to 3 times claim 2 times 2 n and 2 n times 1
e) 1 to 4 times n, 1 to 3 times n, 2 x 2 n + 1 n 1 times
Left: a) 56 n - b) 64 n - c) 70 n - d) Section 78 - e) Section 92
At the height of a) 31 cm (108 p.) - B) 35 cm (122 p.) - C) 39 cm (136 p.) - D) 44 cm (154 p.) - E) 52 cm (182 p. ) of gum 1 x 2, to form the shoulders, covering both sides of each 2 p.:
a) 3 times 2 n and 2 n times 3
b) 3 to 5 times n
c) 3 times 3 times 2 and claim 4 to claim
d) 4 to 5 times n
e) 5 times 5 §
At the same time, to form a neck, covering the central a) 10 n - b)
12 p - c) 12 p - d) Section 14 - e) Section 16, then finish each side separately, closing of the throat every 2 p.:
a) b) 2 times 4 times 1 and claim 3 to claim
c) d) 3 to 4 times n
e) 2 times 4 times 1 and claim 5 §
A second side end cap in the same manner.
Do the same job as the back.
At the height of a) 25 cm (88 p.) - B) 29 cm (102 p.) - C) 32 cm (112 p.) - D) 37 cm (130 p.) - E) 44 cm (154 p. ) of gum 1 x 2 form a neck, covering the central a) 8
n - b) 10 n - c) 10 n - d) 12 p - e) Section 14, then finish each side separately, closing of the throat:
a) b) every 2 p. 1 claim 3 times, 2 times 2 n, 3 times for 1 and each n 4 p. 2 times 1 pt
c) d) in each 2 p. 1 claim 3 times, 2 times 2 n, 3 times for 1 and each n 4 p. 3 times in 1 pt
e) every 2 p. 1 to 3 times n, 2 n times 2, 3 times for 1 and n 4 each p. 4 times 1 pt
At the height of a) 31 cm (108 p.) - B) 35 cm (122 p.) - C) 39 cm (136 p.) - D) 44 cm (154 p.) - E) 52 cm (182 p. ) of gum 1 x 2, to form the shoulder, closing of the armhole at each 2 p.:
a) 3 times 2 n and 2 n times 3
b) 3 to 5 times n
c) 3 times 3 times 2 and claim 4 to claim
d) 4 to 5 times n
e) 5 times 5 §
A second side end cap in the same manner.
Dial: a) 50 n - b) Section 53 - c) 56 n - d) Section 62 - e) 65 sts on needles № 2,5, knit elastic band 1 x 2 (see binding) starting and finishing first p. and every odd p. (License side of work) 2 sts. section, a height of 15 cm (52 p.).
Continue individuals. stitch, knitting making number 3 a) c) the addition of 1 - d) 1 decrease in the first district.
We obtain: a) Section 51 - b) Section 53 - c) 57 s - d) Section 61 - e) Section 65
a) Continue straight.
b) c) d) e) Make both sides for 2 sts from the edge:
b) in each 8 p. 3 times for 1 addition.
c) each R 10. 4 times for 1 addition.
d) each R 10. 6 times 1 addition.
e) every 8 p. 11 times one addition.
We obtain: a) Section 51 - b) 59 n - c) 65 n - d) Section 73 - e) Section 87
At the height of a) 6 cm (20 p.) - B) 10 cm (34 p.) - C) 14 cm (50 p.) - D) 19,5 cm (68 p.) - E) 27 cm (94 p.) from gum 1 x 2, form a round, closed on both sides:
a) each 2 p. 1 times 3 sts, 1 time for 2 sts, 4 times for 1 item, each 4 p.: 2 times in 1 st, 2 in each district.: 4 times 1 st, 1 time for 2 sts 1 time and 3 sts
b) in each 2 p. 1 times 3 sts, 1 time for 2 p, 14 times 1 st, 1 time for 2 sts 1 time and 3 sts
c) in each 2 p. 1 times 3 sts, 2 times for 2 p, 13 times 1 st, 2 times 2 times 1 and No. 3 sts
d) in each 2 p. 1 times 3 sts, 3 times for 2 p, 15 times 1 st, 2 times 2 times 1 and No. 3 sts
e) In each 2 p. 1 times 3 sts, 5 times 2 sts, 14 times 1 st, 4 times 2 sts 1 time and 3 sts
At the height of a) 15 cm (52 p.) - B) 20 cm (70 p.) - C) 25 cm (88 p.) - D) 32 cm (112 p.) - E) 41,5 cm (144 p.) from gum 1 x 2, close the remaining 11 sts
Knit second sleeve as well.
Neck band
Dial: a) 94 n - b) Section 100 - c) 108 n - d) Section 114 - e) 126 sts on needles № 2,5, elastic knit 1 x 1, 2 cm (7 p .), then make 1 p. WS. by WS. and several of the district. individuals. surface of a different color.
Pin all the details and been stripped.
Make the side seams, shoulders and sleeves. Sew sleeves to armhole.
Sew the neck band, loop the loop, suture needle back to the people. side of the work.
Hook number 3, make stripes following the appropriate schema, or 4 stripe number 1, 2 Stripe number 2 and number 3 1 patch.
Place and sew the thread to sew patches as follows:
Badge number 3 in the center in front, placing the edge of the strip along the edge of the neck (see photo).
Ribbons number one on this side and on the other side stripe number 3, separated by intervals of 1 cm and placing on the edge of the seam filler strips (see photo).
Stripe number 2 on 2 sts. section in the center of gum 1 x 2, placing the bottom edge of the sleeves (see photo).
Sew buttons on 6 "hole" stripe number 3 (see photo).
Translated by Zheka1978