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 عنوان المشاركة: بلوفر رجالى من التريكو بغرزة الطحلب المزدوجة ورقبة شال
مرسل: الخميس مايو 09, 2013 5:36 pm 
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اشترك في: الاثنين إبريل 05, 2010 7:23 pm
مشاركات: 13047
مكان: المنصورة

بلوفر رجالى من التريكو بغرزة الطحلب المزدوجة ورقبة شال

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

بلوفر رجالى من التريكو بغرزة الطحلب المزدوجة ورقبة شال

Knitted jumper for men with shawl collar



Size: S - M - L - XL - XXL - XXXL

Materials:Colour no 21, medium grey: 350-400-450-500-550-600 g
Colour no 44, light grey: 300-300-300-350-350-400 g

DOUBLE POINTED NEEDLES and CIRCULAR NEEDLE (80 cm) SIZE 4 mm - or size needed to get 21 sts x 28 rows in stocking st = 10 x 10 cm.
WOOD BUTTONS DUFFEL NO 520: 2 pieces for all sizes

1st round: * K 1, P 1 *, repeat from *-*.
2nd round: K over K and P over P.
3rd round: * P 1, K 1 *, repeat from *-*.
4th round: P over P and K over K.
Repeat rounds 1-4.

Work medium grey and light grey alternately every 11-11-11½-12-12-12½ cm. NOTE: Measure first stripe from cast on edge. Work medium grey in the last stripe on the body and sleeve until finished measurements.

Inc 1 st by making 1 YO, on next round work YO twisted (i.e. work in back loop of st instead front) to avoid holes.

Row 1 (= from RS): K all sts.
Row 2 (= from WS): * K 1, P 1 *, repeat from *-*.
Repeat 1st and 2nd row.

GARTER ST (back and forth on needle): K all rows.

Worked in the round on circular needle. Cast on 213-234-255-288-318-351 sts on circular needle size 3.5 mm with light grey. Work rib as follows: * K 1, P 2 *, repeat from *-*. When piece measures 4 cm, K 1 round while AT THE SAME TIME dec 53-58-63-72-78-87 sts evenly (dec by K tog approx. every 3rd and 4th st) = 160-176-192-216-240-264 sts. Then switch to circular needle size 4 mm and continue in the round with DOUBLE MOSS ST and STRIPES - See explanation above. REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION!
When piece measures 15-15-16-16-17-17 cm, insert 2 markers in the piece; 1 at beg of round and 1 after 80-88-96-108-120-132 sts (marks the sides). On next round, inc 1 st on each side of every marker - Read INCREASE TIP above = 4 new sts on round. NOTE: Work the new sts in double moss st. Repeat inc one more time when piece measures 30-30-32-32-34-34 cm = 168-184-200-224-248-272 sts.
When piece measures 47-48-49-50-51-52 cm, divide the piece at the markers and finish each part separately.

= 84-92-100-112-124-136 sts (1st row = RS). Continue with stripes and double moss st - while AT THE SAME TIME casting off for armholes in each side on every other row as follows: Cast off 3 sts 1 time, 2 sts 0-1-2-4-6-8 times and 1 st 1-2-3-4-5-6 times = 76-78-80-82-84-86 sts. When piece measures 64-66-68-70-72-74 cm, cast off the middle 24-26-28-30-32-34 sts for neck and finish each shoulder separately. Then dec 1 st on next row from neck (dec by working the outermost 2 sts towards the neck tog) = 25 sts remain on shoulder in all sizes. Loosely cast off all sts when piece measures 66-68-70-72-74-76 cm.

= 84-92-100-112-124-136 sts. Continue with stripes and double moss st. Start cast offs for armholes as on back piece on 1st row (= RS) - AT THE SAME TIME slip the middle 26-28-30-32-34-36 sts on a stitch holder for neck at the front, now finish each part separately. Cast off for armholes in each side as on back piece. When all cast offs are done, 25 sts remain on each shoulder. Continue in double moss st and with stripes. When piece measures 66-68-70-72-74-76 cm, loosely cast off all sts.

Worked in the round on double pointed needles. Cast on 63-66-69-72-75-78 sts on double pointed needles size 3.5 mm with light grey. Work rib as follows: * K 1, P 2 *, repeat from *-*. When piece measures 4 cm, K 1 round while AT THE SAME TIME dec 15-16-17-18-19-20 sts evenly (dec by K tog approx. every 3rd and 4th st) = 48-50-52-54-56-58 sts. Switch to double pointed needles size 4 mm and insert a marker at beg of round. Continue in the round with DOUBLE MOSS ST and STRIPES. When piece measures 8-8-7-7-7-6 cm, inc 1 st on each side of marker = 2 new sts. Repeat inc every 5-4½-3½-3-2½-2½ cm a total of 10-11-13-15-17-18 times = 68-72-78-84-90-94 sts. When piece measures 57-57-56-56-54-53 cm (shorter measurements in the larger sizes because of longer sleeve cap and broader shoulder width) cast off 3 sts on each side of marker (= 6 sts mid under sleeve). Then work back and forth on circular needle. Continue to cast off for sleeve cap in each side on every other row as follows: Cast off 2 sts 2-2-3-3-5-5 times, and then 1 st 3-4-4-5-5-6 times. Then cast off 2 sts in each side until piece measures 64-65-65-66-66-67 cm, then cast off 3 sts 1 time in each side. Loosely cast off all sts. Piece measures approx. 65-66-66-67-67-68 cm.

Sew the shoulder seams tog. Sew in the sleeves.

Worked back and forth on circular needle size 4 mm with medium grey as follows: Knit up sts from stitch holder mid front (leave the stitch holder) = 26-28-30-32-34-36 sts, P 1 row from WS. Then work PATTERN 1 from RS - See explanation above. When collar measures 19-20-21-22-23-24 cm (last row = 2nd row in PATTERN 1 = WS), insert a marker at the end of row seen from RS. Continue in GARTER ST - See explanation above - until finished measurements - At the same time work short rows as follows: * Work 2 rows over all sts, work 2 rows over the outermost 20 sts towards mid front *, repeat from *-* until piece measures 8-9-9-10-10-11 cm from marker (in the shorter side). Cast off.

Knit up the sts from stitch holder from RS behind right collar = left collar is underneath right collar. Work the same way as on right collar but reversed (work short rows over the outermost 20 sts towards mid front).

Sew right collar to right front piece and left collar to left front piece in outermost sts. Sew collar tog mid back and sew the neck on back piece.

Make 1 strap as follows: Twine 2 threads of 40 cm medium grey and fold them double. Make another strap the same way. Fasten the straps approx. 4 and 11 cm up from bottom edge on right collar (approx. 1 cm from edge mid front). Pull the threads through the collar and fasten the ends on the back. Sew button on left collar approx. 2 and 4 cm in from seam for left front piece.


دورة تعلم الكروشيه من البداية وحتى الإحتراف


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باترون بلوفر تريكو رجالى رجلان بغرزة الطحلب المزدوجة
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