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 عنوان المشاركة: شال تريكو حريمى بخطوط ملونه بالباترون
مرسل: السبت مارس 09, 2013 7:12 pm 
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اشترك في: الاثنين إبريل 05, 2010 7:23 pm
مشاركات: 13047
مكان: المنصورة

شال تريكو حريمى بخطوط ملونه بالباترون

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

شال حريمى جميل وأنيق ومعاصر ورومانسى كما انه مريح جدا

Knitted shawl with dropped sts and tinted stripes


Width at the top: approx. 160 cm
Length on the middle: approx. 80 cm

100 g colour no 06, off white
100 g colour no 08, grey pink
100 g colour no 34, light powder pink
50 g colour no 32, heather

CIRCULAR NEEDLE (80 cm) SIZE 8 mm - or size needed to get 11 sts x 15 rows in stocking st with 2 threads = 10 x 10 cm.

GARTER ST (back and forth on circular needle):
K all rows. 1 ridge = 2 rows K.

Inc 1 st by making 1 YO. On next row work YO twisted to avoid holes.

The shawl beg with off white at the top and gradually becomes darker when working.
The piece is worked back and forth on circular needle because of no of sts.
Cast on 7 sts on circular needle size 8 mm with 2 threads off white and work tinted stripes with dropped sts - AT THE SAME TIME inc as follows:
Row 1 (= RS): K all sts.
Row 2 (= WS): K 1, * P 1, 1 YO, P 1 *, repeat from *-* 2 times in total and finish with P 1, 1 YO and K 1 = 10 sts.
Row 3 (and every row from RS): K all sts - NOTE: K YOs from previous row twisted to avoid holes.
Row 4 (= WS): K 1, * 1 YO, P 1 *, repeat from *-* 8 times in total and finish with 1 YO and K 1 = 19 sts.
Row 6 (= WS): K 1, P until 1 st remains, K 1.
Row 8 (= WS): K 1, * P 1, 1 YO, P 1 *, repeat from *-* 8 times in total and finish with P 1, 1 YO and K 1 = 28 sts.
Row 10: K 1, P until 1 st remains, K 1.
Row 12: K 1, * P 1, 1 YO, P 1 *, repeat from *-* 13 times in total and finish with K 1 = 41 sts.
Continue in stocking st with 1 edge st in GARTER ST – see explanation above – in each side.
When piece measures 14 cm, inc 40 sts evenly (i.e. make 1 YO after every st) – READ INCREASE TIP = 81 sts.
When piece measures 19 cm, work next row from RS as follows: * K 1, 1 YO *, repeat from *-* until 1 st remains and finish with K 1. P 1 row from WS while AT THE SAME TIME slipping YOs off the needle (these 2 rows = dropped sts).
Work in stocking st until piece measures 22 cm. Now inc 26 sts evenly (i.e. beg after 1st st and make 1 YO after every 3rd st) = 107 sts.
Continue in stocking st until piece measures 26 cm. On next row from RS work dropped sts again.
Continue in stocking st until piece measures 30 cm. Now inc 30 sts evenly (i.e. make 1 YO after 3 and 4 sts alternately) = 137 sts.
Work until piece measures 32 cm. On next row from RS work dropped sts again, then continue in stocking st until piece measures 38 cm. Now inc 30 sts evenly (i.e. make 1 YO after 4 and 5 sts alternately) = 167 sts.
Switch to 1 thread off white + 1 thread light powder pink and work in stocking st for 3 cm (piece measures 41 cm). On next row from RS work dropped sts, then continue in stocking st until piece measures 46 cm. Now inc 30 sts evenly (i.e. make 1 YO after 5 and 6 sts alternately) = 197 sts. Work until piece measures 48 cm. On next row from RS work dropped sts again. Then continue in stocking st until piece measures 52 cm (stripe measures 14 cm).
Switch to 2 threads light powder pink and work in stocking st for 1 cm. Now inc 30 sts evenly (i.e. make 1 YO after 6 and 7 sts alternately) = 227 sts. Work until piece measures 55 cm. On next row from RS work dropped sts, then continue in stocking st until piece measures 59 cm (stripe measures 7 cm).
Switch to 1 thread light powder pink + 1 thread grey pink and work in stocking st for 1 cm. Now inc 30 sts evenly (i.e. make 1 YO after 7 and 8 sts alternately) = 257 sts. Work until piece measures 62 cm.
On next row from RS work dropped sts, then continue in stocking st until piece measures 66 cm (stripe measures 7 cm).
Switch to 2 threads grey pink and work in stocking st for 3 cm. On next row from RS work dropped sts, then continue in stocking st until piece measures 71 cm. Now inc 30 sts evenly (i.e. make 1 YO after 8 and 9 sts alternately) = 287 sts. Then continue in stocking st until piece measures 73 cm (stripe measures 7 cm).
Switch to 1 thread grey pink + 1 thread heather and work in stocking st for 3 cm. On next row from RS work dropped sts, then continue in stocking st until piece measures 79 cm (approx. 1 cm remains until finished measurements). Now inc 30 sts evenly (i.e. make 1 YO after 9 and 10 sts alternately) = 317 sts. On next from RS VERY LOOSELY cast off (stripe measures 7 cm).

دورة تعلم الكروشيه من البداية وحتى الإحتراف


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