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 عنوان المشاركة: باترون فست تريكو بناتى بغرزة الطوق والسطور القصيرة بالباترون
مرسل: الأحد مايو 05, 2013 7:36 am 
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اشترك في: الاثنين إبريل 05, 2010 7:23 pm
مشاركات: 13047
مكان: المنصورة

باترون فست تريكو بناتى بغرزة الطوق والسطور القصيرة بالباترون

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

باترون فست تريكو بناتى بغرزة الطوق والسطور القصيرة بالباترون

Knitted vest in garter st with short rows


Size: S - M - L - XL - XXL - XXXL
Materials: Colour no 09, light beige:550-600-650-700-750-800 g

STRAIGHT NEEDLES SIZE 7 mm - or size needed to get 10 sts x 20 rows in garter st = 10 x 10 cm.

GARTER ST (back and forth on needle):
K all rows. 1 ridge = 2 rows K.

Work short rows to get a rounded edge on the piece, work as follows:
Row 1 and 2: Work 26-28-30-32-36-40 sts, turn and work back.
Row 3 and 4: Work 24-26-28-30-34-38 sts, turn and work back.
Row 5 and 6: Work 22-24-26-28-32-36 sts, turn and work back.
Continue like this by working 2 sts less for every time until only 10 sts at the edge remain that have not been worked, work 1 time back and forth over these sts.
Then work 2 rows over all sts. 10-11-12-13-15-17 ridges have been worked in outer edge and 1 ridge in the inner side. Repeat from 1st row a total of 3 times.
The rounded edge now measures approx. 30-33-36-39-45-51 cm on the outer side and 2 cm on the inside.

Work short rows to get a rounded edge on the piece, work as follows:
Row 1 and 2: Work 26-27-27-27-28-30 sts, turn and work back.
Row 3 and 4: Work 24-25-25-25-26-28 sts, turn and work back.
Row 5 and 6: Work 22-23-23-23-24-26 sts, turn and work back.
Continue like this by working 2 sts less for every time until only 10-11-11-11-10-10 sts at the edge remain that have not been worked, work 1 time back and forth over these sts.
Then work 2 rows over all sts. 10-10-10-10-11-12 ridges have been worked in outer edge and 1 ridge in the inner side. Repeat from 1st row a total of 3 times.
The rounded edge now measures approx. 30-30-30-30-33-36 cm on the outer side and 2 cm on the inside.

Worked back and forth on needle. Cast on 36-40-44-50-56-62 sts on needle size 7 mm with Puddel and work in GARTER ST - see explanation above. REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION! When piece measures 6 cm, inc 1 st in each side, repeat inc when piece measures 12 cm = 40-44-48-54-60-66 sts. When piece measures 20 cm, cast off for armholes at beg of every row in each side as follows: 3 sts 0-0-1-1-1-1 time, 2 sts 1-1-0-1-2-3 times and 1 st 0-1-2-2-3-3 times = 36-38-38-40-40-42 sts. When piece measures 35-36-37-39-40-41 cm, cast off the middle 8-8-8-10-10-10 sts for neck and finish each shoulder separately. Then cast off 1 st on the next row from the neck = 13-14-14-14-14-15 sts remain on the shoulder. Cast off when piece measures 37-38-39-41-42-43 cm.

Cast on 28-30-32-34-38-42 sts on needle size 7 mm with Puddel. Work in garter st. When piece measures 16-18-20-23-26-29 cm, work SHORT ROWS 1 from RS - see explanation above. When 3 repetitions with short rows have been worked, continue in garter st over all sts. NOW MEASURE PIECE FROM HERE! When piece measures 6 and 12 cm, inc 1 st in the shorter side = 30-32-34-36-40-44 sts. When piece measures 20 cm, cast off for armhole in the side as on back piece (cast off for armhole at the beg of every row in the shorter side) = 28-29-29-29-30-32 sts. Continue in garter st until piece measures 35-36-37-39-40-41 cm. Now work SHORT ROWS 2. When all short rows have been worked, piece measures approx. 37-38-39-41-42-43 cm in the shorter side. On next row from WS cast off the first 13-14-14-14-14-15 sts for shoulder, work the rest of row = 15-15-15-15-16-17 sts remain for collar. Work in garter st until collar measures 5-5-5-6-6-6 cm (measured from shoulder). Cast off.

Work as right edge piece but with WS outwards before assembly.

Sew all seams edge to edge in front loop of outermost sts.
Sew cast on edges on edge pieces tog mid back and sew edge pieces to the bottom edge of back piece. Sew shoulder seams and side seams. Sew the collar tog mid back and sew it to the neckline.


دورة تعلم الكروشيه من البداية وحتى الإحتراف


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جاكت تريكو للسيدات بغرزة الطوق وكوله شال بالباترون
شال تريكو مثلث بغرزة لاسيه وغرزة الطوق بالباترون

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