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 عنوان المشاركة: ممسكة كروشيه للاوعية الساخنه بالباترون للمبتدئين
مرسل: الثلاثاء مارس 26, 2013 8:41 am 
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اشترك في: الاثنين إبريل 05, 2010 7:23 pm
مشاركات: 13047
مكان: المنصورة

ممسكة كروشيه للاوعية الساخنه بالباترون للمبتدئين


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

ممسكة كروشيه للاوعية الساخنه بالباترون للمبتدئين


Measurements: approx. 21 x 21 cm

100 g colour no 33, medium pink
100 g colour no 20, light pink

CROCHET HOOK SIZE 4 mm – or size needed to get 9 stars = width 10 cm.

Work 43 ch on hook size 4 mm.
ROW 1 (RS): Pick up 1 st in each of the next 5 ch, beg in 2nd ch from hook, make a YO and pull through all 6 sts, work 1 ch to make a hole over the 6 sts, * pick up 1 st in the hole, pick up 1 st in the side of the last of the 6 sts, pick up 1 st in same ch as the last of the 6 sts was picked up in, 1 st in each of the next 2 ch = 6 sts on hook, make a YO and pull through all 6 sts, 1 ch *, repeat from *-*. Work 1 htr in last ch. Turn.

ROW 2 (WS): 2 ch (= htr), work 2 htr in every "star hole", finish row with 1 htr in last st. Turn. There are now 19 stars on row and 1 htr in each side.

ROW 3: 3 ch, pick up 1 st in 2nd and 3rd ch from hook, pick up 1 st in the first 3 sts on row = 6 sts on hook, make a YO and pull through all 6 sts, work 1 ch, * pick up 1 st in the hole, pick up 1 st in the side of the last of the 6 sts, pick up 1 st in same st as the last of the 6 sts was picked up in, pick up 1 st in each of the next 2 sts = 6 sts on hook, make a YO and pull through all 6 sts, 1 ch *, repeat *-*. Work 1 htr in last st. Turn. Repeat 2nd and 3rd row 9 more times (10 times in total). Then work 2nd row 1 time. Cut and fasten the thread.
Then work a border around with loop as follows: Work one sl st in the middle of one of the sides of pot holder, then work 12 ch, then work 1 dc in the edge in same st as sl st, then work 2 ch, skip 1 cm, continue with * 1 dc in edge, 2 ch, skip 1 cm *, repeat until first sl st. Then work 1 sl st in each of the 12 ch for loop. Finish with 1 sl st in first dc.

دورة تعلم الكروشيه من البداية وحتى الإحتراف


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