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 عنوان المشاركة: طقم بيبى ولادى من التريكو جاكت وشراب وطاقية بالباترون
مرسل: الثلاثاء مايو 07, 2013 8:30 pm 
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اشترك في: الاثنين إبريل 05, 2010 7:23 pm
مشاركات: 13047
مكان: المنصورة

طقم بيبى ولادى من التريكو جاكت وشراب وطاقية بالباترون

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

طقم بيبى ولادى من التريكو جاكت وشراب وطاقية بالباترون
الجاكت بحردة كم رجلان ورقبة سلحفاة وكمان برسمة جاكار

Set comprises: Knitted jacket with raglan sleeves and turtle neck, hat with pattern and socks with pattern




Size: 1/3 - 6/9 - 12/18 months (2 - 3/4) years
Size in cm: 50/56-62/68-74/80 (86/92-98/104)

150-150-200 (250-250) g colour no 07, light brown mix
50 g for all sizes colour no 01, off-white
50 g in for all sizes colour no 06, brown mix
50 g for all sizes colour no 15, light grey/green

DROPS DOUBLE POINTED NEEDLES and CIRCULAR NEEDLE (60 cm) size 4.5 mm – or size needed to get 20 sts x 26 rows in stocking st = 10 x 10 cm.
DROPS DOUBLE POINTED NEEDLES and CIRCULAR NEEDLE (60 cm) size 3.5 mm (for rib).
DROPS WOODEN BUTTON no 503: 6-6-7 (7-7) pcs.

Size: 1/3 - 6/9 - 12/18 months (2 - 3/4) years
Head circumference: 40/42 - 44/46 - 46/48 (48/50 - 50/52) cm
Materials:50-50-50 (100-100) g colour no 07, light brown mix
50 g for all sizes colour no 01, off-white
50 g for all sizes colour no 06, brown mix
50 g for all sizes colour no 15, light grey/green

DOUBLE POINTED NEEDLES and CIRCULAR NEEDLE (40 cm) size 4.5 mm – or size needed to get 20 sts x 26 rows in stocking st = 10 x 10 cm.
CIRCULAR NEEDLE (40 cm) size 3.5 mm (for rib).

Size: 1/3 - 6/9 - 12/18 months (2 - 3/4) years
To fit foot length: 10-11-12 (14-16) cm
Materials: 50-50-50 (50-100) g colour no 07, light brown mix
50 g for all sizes colour no 01, off-white
50 g for all sizes colour no 06, brown mix
50 g for all sizes colour no 15, light grey/green

DOUBLE POINTED NEEDLES size 3 mm – or size needed to get 23 sts x 32 rows in stocking st = 10 x 10 cm.


GARTER ST (back and forth on needle): K all rows.
See diagrams M.1 and M.2. Pattern is worked in stocking st.
Make buttonholes on right front band.
1 BUTTONHOLE = K tog 2nd and 3rd st from mid front and make 1 YO.
Make buttonholes when piece measures:
SIZE 1/3 months: 2, 8, 14, 20 and 26 cm
SIZE 6/9 months: 2, 8, 15, 21 and 28 cm
SIZE 12/18 months: 2, 8, 14, 20, 26 and 32 cm
SIZE 2 years: 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 and 36 cm
SIZE 3/4 years: 2, 10, 17, 25, 32 and 39 cm
The last buttonhole is made on neckline.
Worked back and forth on circular needle from mid front. Cast on 119-133-145 (159-171) sts (includes 4 front band sts each side towards mid front) on circular needle size 3.5 mm with light brown mix. P 1 row from WS with 4 GARTER STS – see above – each side (front bands). Continue in rib as follows from RS: 4 front band sts in garter st, * K1/P1 *, repeat from *-* and finish with K1 and 4 front band sts in garter st – remember BUTTONHOLES on right front band. When rib measures 4 cm change to circular needle size 4.5 mm. Work 1 row stocking st (with front bands in garter st as before), AT THE SAME TIME dec 12-14-14 (16-16) sts evenly (do not dec on front bands) = 107-119-131 (143-155) sts. Now continue in M.1 with 4 front band sts in garter st each side. After M.1 continue in stocking st and light brown mix with front bands in garter st as before. REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION! When piece measures 17-18-21 (24-26) cm - adjust so that next row is from RS - work next row as follows: 26-29-32 (35-38) sts (= front piece), cast off 6 sts for armhole, 43-49-55 (61-67) sts (= back piece), cast off 6 sts for armhole, 26-29-32 (35-38) sts (= front piece). Put piece aside and knit the sleeves.

Worked in the round on double pointed needles.
Cast on 34-36-38 (38-38) sts on double pointed needles size 3.5 mm with light brown mix. K 1 round and continue in rib, K1/P1. When rib measures 4 cm change to double pointed needles size 4.5 mm. K 1 round, AT THE SAME TIME dec 4-6-2 (2-2) sts evenly = 30-30-36 (36-36) sts. Now work M.1. After M.1 continue in stocking st and light brown mix. AT THE SAME TIME when piece measures 5 cm inc 2 sts mid under sleeve. Repeat the inc on every 4-4-6 (6-6) round a total of 5-7-6 (8-10) times = 40-44-48 (52-56) sts. When piece measures 14-16-18 (22-26) cm (inc are now complete) cast off 6 sts mid under sleeve = 34-38-42 (46-50) sts left on needle. Put piece aside and knit the other sleeve.

Slip sleeves on the same circular needle as body piece where cast off for armholes = 163-183-203 (223-243) sts. Continue back and forth on needle as follows: P 1 row from WS, AT THE SAME TIME dec 7-11-7 (11-7) sts evenly (do not dec on front bands) = 156-172-196 (212-236) sts. Work 0-1-2 (3-4) cm stocking st with light brown mix and work next row as follows from RS: 4 front band sts in garter st, M.2A on the next 144-160-184 (200-224) sts, M.2B (= 4 sts) and finish with 4 front band sts in garter st. Continue in pattern like this, AT THE SAME TIME dec sts in M.2 as per pattern diagram. After M.2 there are 81-89-101 (109-121) sts left on needle.
P 1 row from WS with front band sts as before.
Change to circular needle size 3.5 mm/ US 4 and work next row as follows from RS: 4 front band sts, * K1/P3 *, repeat from *-* and finish with K1 and 4 front band sts.
When rib measures 1 cm dec all P3 to P2 and when rib measures 2 cm dec all P2 to P1 = 45-49-55 (59-65) sts on needle. Jacket now measures 28-30-34 (38-41) cm from cast on row to shoulder.
Continue in rib K1/P1 for turtle neck (front bands as before). When rib measures 5-6-6 (7-7) cm from beg of rib make 1 buttonhole in line with the others on front band. When rib measures 6-7-7 (8-8) cm cast off with K over K and P over P.

Sew openings under sleeves.
Sew on buttons.


See diagram M.3. Pattern is worked in stocking st.
Worked in the round on needle from bottom up.
Cast on 88-94-98 (104-106) sts on circular needle size 3.5 mm with light brown mix. Work rib, K1/P1, until piece measures 4-5-5 (6-6) cm. K 1 round, AT THE SAME TIME dec 10-10-14 (14-16) sts evenly = 78-84-84 (90-90) sts.
Change to circular needle size 4.5 mm. Insert 6 markers in piece with 13-14-14 (15-15) sts between each marker. Work M.3A and then continue in stocking st and light brown mix - AT THE SAME TIME dec 1 st to the right of all markers by K2 tog (= 6 dec sts per round). Repeat the dec (with 1 less st between each dec each time) on every other round another 3 times = 54-60-60 (66-66) sts. After the last round with dec work M.3B and then continue in stocking st and light brown mix, AT THE SAME TIME dec 1 st to the right of all markers (= 6 dec sts). K 1 round and work another round with dec as before = 42-48-48 (54-54) sts. Work M.3C and then continue in stocking st and light brown mix until finished measurements, AT THE SAME TIME dec 1 st to the right off all markers as before. Repeat the dec on every other round a total of 3-3-4 (4-5) times = 24-30-24 (30-24) sts on needle. K2 tog all the way round, cut the thread, pull it through remaining sts, tighten and fasten.

Make 1 pompom in off-white with a diameter of approx 4 cm. Attach it to the top of hat.

See diagram M.4. The pattern is worked in stocking st.
ROW 1 (= RS): work row until 5-5-5 (6-6) sts remain, slip next st as if to K, K1, psso, turn piece.
ROW 2 (= WS): work row until 5-5-5 (6-6) sts remain, slip next st as if to P, P1, psso, turn piece.
ROW 3 (= RS): work until 4-4-4 (5-5) sts remain, slip next st as if to K, K1, psso, turn piece.
ROW 4 (= WS): work row until 4-4-4 (5-5) sts remain, slip next st as if to P, P1, psso, turn piece.
Continue dec like this with 1 less st between each dec until there are 7-9-9 (9-9) sts on needle.
Dec as follows before marker: K2 tog.
Dec as follows after marker: slip 1 st as if to K, K1, psso.
Worked in the round on double pointed needles from top down.
Cast on 34-34-40 (40-40) sts on double pointed needles size 3 mm with light brown mix. Work rib, K1/P1, for 4-4-5 (5-6) cm. K 1 round, AT THE SAME TIME dec 4 sts evenly = 30-30-36 (36-36) sts. Continue in M.4. After M.4 work 4 rounds stocking st with light brown mix, AT THE SAME TIME on first round (after M.4) dec 2-0-4 (2-0) sts evenly = 28-30-32 (34-36) sts.
After the 4 rounds stocking st keep the first 15-17-17 (19-19) sts on needle for heel, and slip the remaining 13-13-15 (15-17) sts on a stitch holder (= mid upper foot). Work stocking st back and forth on heel sts for 3-3.5-4 (4-4.5) cm – insert a marker. Now work HEEL DECREASES – SEE ABOVE!
After heel dec pick up 7-8-9 (9-10) new sts each side of heel and slip sts from stitch holder back on needle = 34-38-42 (42-46) sts. Continue in stocking st in the round on all sts with light brown mix, AT THE SAME TIME on first round dec as follows: K2 tog into back of loop before the 13-13-15 (15-17) sts mid upper foot and K2 tog after the 13-13-15 (15-17) sts mid upper foot. Repeat the dec on every other round a total of 4-6-6 (6-6) times = 26-26-30 (30-34) sts. When piece measures approx 8-9-9.5 (11.5-12.5) cm from marker on heel (approx 2-2-2.5 (2.5-3.5) cm remain) insert a new marker each side with 13-13-15 (15-17) sts on upper foot and under foot. Now dec for toes on each side of both markers – SEE DECREASING TIP – on every other round 2-2-3 (3-5) times and then on every round 3-3-3 (3-2) times = 6 sts left on needle. Cut the thread, pull it through remaining sts, tighten and fasten. Foot measures approx 10-11-12 (14-16) cm.




دورة تعلم الكروشيه من البداية وحتى الإحتراف


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أقرا ايضا
طقم تريكو للبيبى جاكت وطاقية وشراب بالباترون
جاكت وبنطلون وطاقية وشراب تريكو للنونو الولد بالباترون
جاكت وبنطلون وطاقية من التريكو للبيبى بالباترون
جاكت وسالوبيت وبونيه وشراب تريكو للبيبى بالباترون
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باترون جاكت بيبى تريكو مشغول من جانب الى الاخر بالباترون
كوفية وطاقية لرأس السنة من التريكو للبيبى بالباترون
شراب بيبى من التريكو بالباترون سهل وبسيط
من التريكو إعملى أحلى جاكت لمولودك بغرزة الطحلب بالباترون

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