Materials:Colour medium grey 200-250-250-250 (250-250-250-250) g And use: Colour no 14, dark grey 100-100-100-100 (150-150-150-150) g
STRAIGHT NEEDLES SIZE 8 mm - or size needed to get 11 sts x 15 rows in garter st = 10 x 10 cm before felting.
SLIPPER: The slipper is worked in one and sewn tog mid front and mid back when finished, beg at the top of leg. Loosely cast on 19-20-21-23 (24-25-26-28) sts on needle size 8 mm with dark grey. K 5 rows (1st row = RS). Remember the knitting tension! Then work in stocking st. AT THE SAME TIME on 1st row in stocking st, dec 2 sts evenly = 17-18-19-21 (22-23-24-26) sts. When piece measures 13-15-15-17 (17-17-19-19) cm, switch to medium grey and cast on sts for foot at the end of every row from RS: 2 sts 2-2-2-2 (3-4-6-7) times and 1 st 1-2-3-3 (3-3-2-2) times = 22-24-26-28 (31-34-38-42) sts. When piece measures 37-40-43-47 (50-53-55-57) cm, cast off for leg at the beg of every row from WS: 1 st 1-2-3-3 (3-3-2-2) times and 2 sts 2-2-2-2 (3-4-6-7) times = 17-18-19-21 (22-23-24-26) sts. Then switch back to dark grey and continue until piece measures 52-58-63-69 (73-75-83-86) cm. P 1 row from WS while AT THE SAME TIME, inc 2 sts evenly = 19-20-21-23 (24-25-26-28) sts. K 5 rows (1st row = RS). Loosely cast off.
ASSEMBLY: Fold the slipper double WS against WS and sew tog mid back in front loop of outermost sts. Sew the same way at the front over the foot and up along leg. Turn the slipper inside out - this is now RS.
FELTING: Place the slippers in the washing machine with a detergent without enzymes and optical bleach. Wash at 40 degrees with normal spin but no pre-wash. Put the on slipper and shape it to the correct size while it is still wet. At subsequent wash, wash the slippers at regular wool programme.
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