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اشترك في: الاثنين إبريل 05, 2010 7:23 pm |
مشاركات: 13047 | مكان: المنصورة |
سليبر كروشيه بورود كروشيه للبنات بالباترون
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Size: 35/37 - 38/40 - 41/43 Foot length: approx. 22 - 24 - 27 cm Materials: For all sizes use: 100 g colour off white 50 g colour medium blue 50 g colour denim blue 50 g colour light grey green 50 g colour n grey green
CROCHET HOOK SIZE 4 mm – or size needed to get 17 tr = width 10 cm.
CROCHET INFO: Replace first tr on every round/row with tr with 3 ch and finish round with 1 sl st in third ch. Replace first dc on every round/row with dc with 1 ch and finish round with 1 sl st in first ch.
STRIPES: Do not cut the off white thread, let it follow upwards but the other colours should be cut after every colour. 1 round/row with light grey green and dc, 1 round/row with grey green and dc, 1 round/row with off white and tr, 1 round/row with grey green and dc, 1 round/row with light grey green and dc, 1 round/row with off white and tr, 1 round/row with denim blue and dc, 1 round/row with medium blue and dc, 1 round/row with off white and tr, 1 round/row with medium blue and dc, 1 round/row with denim blue and dc, 1 round/row with off white and tr. Repeat these 12 rounds/rows.
DECREASE TIP: Dec 1 tr by working 2 tr tog as follows: Work 1 tr in next dc but wait with last pull through, work 1 tr in next dc the same way, make 1 YO and pull thread through all 3 sts on hook. ------------------------------------------------------
SLIPPER: Work from toe towards heel, then work the leg. Crochet 5 ch on hook size 4 mm with off white and form a ring with 1 sl st in first ch. READ CROCHET INFO! ROUND 1: 12 tr in ch-ring – beg of round = mid under foot. ROUND 2: * 1 tr in first tr, 2 tr in next tr *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 18 tr. ROUND 3: * 1 tr in each of the first 2 tr, 2 tr in next tr *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 24 tr. ROUND 4 (switch to medium blue): Work * 1 dc in each of the first 3 tr, 2 dc in next tr *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 30 dc. ROUND 5 (switch to denim blue): Work * 1 dc in every dc but inc 4-6-10 dc evenly = 34-36-40 dc. ROUND 6 (switch to off white): Work 1 tr in every dc. Continue with STRIPES as explained above. REMEMBER THE CROCHET TENSION! When piece measures approx. 12-13-15 cm - finish after 2 rounds with dc, cut the thread. Insert 1 marker between the 2 middle sts on round, i.e. after 17-18-20 tr. Hold the piece with toe towards you and count 4 sts to the left of the thread, beg to work here from RS with off white and tr. Work until a total of 6 dc remain on round (i.e. 3 sts on each side of marker mid on top of foot), turn. Continue with stripes as before – work 1 sl st in first tr, then dc until 1 tr remains on row, turn. Then work back and forth over the remaining 26-28-32 sts until piece measures approx. 21-23-26 cm in total – adjust so that next row is a row with off white and tr. Work next row as follows: 1 tr in each of the first 11-12-14 dc, then work the next 4 tr tog 2 by 2 – SEE DECREASE TIP, then work 1 tr in each of the last 11-12-14 dc. Cut the thread. Fold the slipper double and sew tog edge to edge mid back.
LEG: Start mid back and work 40-42-44 tr with grey green evenly around the opening at the top of slipper. Continue in the round with tr until a total of 6 rounds have been worked. On next round, inc 8-9-10 tr evenly = 48-51-54 tr. Now work a finishing border to be folded over the leg. To make it look nice, turn the piece and continue to work from WS. ROUND 1: * 1 picot (= 4 ch, 1 tr in first ch), skip 2 tr, 1 dc in next tr *, repeat from *-* the entire round but instead of last dc finish with 1 sl st in first ch. Cut the thread. ROUND 2: Switch to light grey green. Beg with 1 dc at the top of first picot, then work * 1 picot, fasten with 1 dc at the top of next picot *, repeat from *-* the entire round but instead of last dc finish with 1 sl st in first ch. Cut and fasten the thread. ROUND 3: Switch to off white and work as 2nd round. Fold the 5 rounds at the top down over the leg.
FLOWER: Work 3 flowers: 1 off white, 1 medium blue and 1 denim blue. Work as follows: 5 ch and form a ring with 1 sl st in first ch. Work next round as follows: * 1 picot (= 4 ch, 1 tr in first ch), 1 dc in ch-ring *, repeat from *-* 5 more times = 6 leaves. Cut the thread. Sew the 3 flowers to one side of leg.
Work another slipper the same way but sew the flowers to the other side of leg.