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اشترك في: الاثنين إبريل 05, 2010 7:23 pm |
مشاركات: 13047 | مكان: المنصورة |
جاكت تريكو بناتى بحواف كروشيه من مربعات جرانى بالبارتون من سن 3 سنين الى 12 سنه شيك وقيم جدا
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Knitted jacket with crochet squares at the bottom

Size: 3/4 - 5/7 - 8/10 - 11/12 years Size in cm: 98/104 - 110/122 - 128/140 - 146/152 Materials: 150-200-250-300 g colour raspberry 50-50-50-100 colour medium pink 50 g for all sizes in colour lime
CIRCULAR NEEDLE (60 cm) SIZE 3 mm - or size needed to get 24 sts x 32 rows in stocking st = 10 x 10 cm. CIRCULAR NEEDLE (60 cm) SIZE 2.5 mm – for garter st. CROCHET HOOK SIZE 3 mm WOODEN BUTTONS NO 513: 5 pieces
PATTERN: See diagrams A-1 and A-2, diagrams show all rows in pattern from RS.
GARTER ST (back and forth on needle): K all rows. 1 ridge = 2 rows K.
BUTTON HOLES: Cast off for button holes on right band. 1 button hole = K tog 2nd and 3rd st from mid front and make 1 YO. Cast off for button holes when piece measures: SIZE 3/4 years: 2, 7, 12, 17 and 22 cm SIZE 5/7 years: 2, 8, 14, 20 and 26 cm SIZE 8/10 years: 2, 9, 16, 23 and 29 cm SIZE 11/12 years: 2, 10, 18, 26 and 33 cm ---------------------------------------------------------
BODY: Worked back and forth on circular needle from mid front. Cast on 155-169-183-204 sts (incl 4 band sts in each side towards mid front) on circular needle size 3 mm with raspberry. K 1 row from WS, continue with diagram A-1 but work 4 band sts in each side in GARTER ST – see explanation above. When piece measures 2 cm, beg to cast off for BUTTON HOLES – see explanation above. REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION! When piece measures 17-20-23-26 cm, work next row from RS as follows: 37-41-44-49 sts as before (= right front piece), cast off 6 sts for armhole, work 69-75-83-94 sts as before (= back piece), cast off 6 sts for armhole and work as before over the remaining 37-41-44-49 sts (= left front piece). Finish each part separately.
LEFT FRONT PIECE: = 37-41-44-49 sts. Continue A-1 - AT THE SAME TIME cast off for armhole at beg of every row from the side: 2 sts 1-1-2-3 times and 1 st 2-3-3-3 times = 33-36-37-40 sts. Continue to work until piece measures 23-27-30-34 cm, slip the outermost 12-14-14-15 sts towards mid front on a stitch holder for neck. Then cast off on every row from neck: 2 sts 2 times and 1 st 2 times = 15-16-17-19 sts remain on shoulder. Cast off when piece measures 30-34-38-42 cm.
RIGHT FRONT PIECE: Work as left front piece but reversed – remember button holes.
BACK PIECE: = 69-75-83-94 sts. Continue A-1 - AT THE SAME TIME cast off for armholes in each side as on front piece = 61-65-69-76 sts. Continue to work until piece measures 28-32-36-40 cm. On next row, cast off the middle 27-29-31-34 sts for neck and finish each shoulder separately. Then cast off on every row from neck: 1 st 2 times = 15-16-17-19 sts remain on shoulder. Cast off when piece measures 30-34-38-42 cm.
SLEEVE: Worked back and forth on circular needle. Cast on 46-48-50-52 sts (incl 1 edge st in each side) on circular needle size 2.5 mm with raspberry. K 1 row from WS. Continue with 2 rows in garter st in lime and 2 rows in garter st in medium pink, switch to raspberry, ** work 2 rows in stocking st, work next row as follows: K 1 edge st, * K 2 tog, 1 YO *, repeat from *-*, finish with K 1 edge st, P 1 row **. Then work 2 rows in garter st in medium pink and 2 rows in garter st in lime, switch to medium pink and work from **-** (i.e. as the 4 rows in raspberry). Continue with 2 rows in garter st in raspberry, 2 rows in garter st in medium pink and 2 rows in garter st in lime. Switch to raspberry and circular needle size 3 mm. Continue with A-2 (1st row = RS) and 1 edge st in garter st in each side. When piece measures 9-9-10-10 cm, inc 1 st in each side. Repeat inc every 3-3-3-3½ cm a total of 7-8-9-10 times - work the inc sts in A-2 = 60-64-68-72 sts. When piece measures 29-33-38-44 cm, cast off for sleeve cap at the beg of every row in each side: 4 sts 1 time, 2 sts 3 times and 1 st 2-3-3-5 times, then cast off 2 sts in each side until piece measures 34-39-44-51 cm, now cast off 3 sts 1 time in each side. Cast off the remaining sts, piece measures approx. 35-40-45-52 cm.
ASSEMBLY: Sew the shoulder seams.
NECK EDGE: Knit up 80 to 100 sts (incl sts on stitch holders in each side) around the neck on circular needle size 2.5 mm with raspberry. K 3 rows, then cast off. Sew sleeve seams inside 1 edge st and sew in the sleeves.
COLOURS ON CROCHET SQUARES: Squares are worked in 2 different colour combinations: SQUARE A: Cast on + 1st round = raspberry, 2nd round = lime, 3rd and 4th round = medium pink, 5th round = lime. SQUARE B: Cast on + 1st round = lime, 2nd round = medium pink, 3rd and 4th round = raspberry, 5th round = lime.
CROCHET TIP: Replace first tr at beg of every round with 3 ch and finish every round with 1 sl st in third ch from beg of round.
BOBBLE: 3 tr that are worked tog, i.e. wait with last pull through on every tr until all 3 tr have been worked, make a YO on hook and pull through all 4 loops.
WORK THE SQUARES AS FOLLOWS: Work 4 ch on hook size 3 mm and form a ring with 1 sl st in first ch. ROUND 1: Work 12 tr in ch-ring – read CROCHET TIP. ROUND 2: 2 tr in every tr = 24 tr. ROUND 3: * 1 dc in tr, 3 ch, skip 1 tr *, repeat from *-*, finish with 1 sl st in first dc from beg of round (= 12 dc with ch-loops in between). ROUND 4: In first ch-loop work [-]: * [1 BOBBLE – see explanation above, 2 ch, 1 bobble, 4 ch (= corner), 1 bobble, 2 ch, 1 bobble], 3 ch, 1 htr in dc between the next 2 ch-loops, 3 ch, skip 1 ch-loop *, repeat from *-* a total of 4 times but the last time finish after 3 ch with 1 sl st at the top of first bobble. ROUND 5: * 2 dc in first 2-ch-loop, 6 dc in next 4-ch-loop (= corner), 2 dc in next 2-ch-loop, 3 dc in next 3-ch-loop, 3 dc in next 3-ch-loop *, repeat from *-* the entire round. Square measures approx. 7 x 7 cm.
Work 5-5-6-6 squares of B and 4-5-5-6 squares of A = 9-10-11-12 squares in total. Sew squares to into a long strip, place the colours alternately – sew edge to edge with lime to avoid a chunky seam. Sew the square strip to bottom of jacket, edge to edge with neat little stitches – the squares should go all the way out to each side, to and with the bands.
PICOT BORDER: Work a picot border with medium pink on hook size 3 mm around the entire jacket, i.e. at the bottom, along the bands and around the neck: * 1 dc, 3 ch, 1 dc in first ch (= 1 picot), skip 1 dc *, repeat from *-*. Work the same way around the bottom of sleeves, finish round with 1 sl st in first dc.
