Materials: 50 g colour no 19, red Some left-over yarn no 09, navy blue and 18, off white
Silk ribbon or elastic for fastening the bow.
STRAIGHT NEEDLES SIZE 2 mm - or size needed to get 29 sts x 57 rows in garter st = 10 x 10 cm.
GARTER ST (back and forth on needle): K all rows. ----------------------------------------------------------
BOW: Cast on 26 sts on needles size 2 mm with red and work in garter st back and forth until piece measures 11 cm. Loosely cast off and fasten the threads. Fold the piece so that there is a pleat on the middle and so that the piece gets a nice bow shape. Make a stitch through the piece so that it keeps its shape. Knit a ribbon for the middle of the bow. Cast on 16 sts with off white and work 6 rows in garter st, switch to navy blue and work 8 rows in garter st, switch back to off white and work 6 rows in garter st. Loosely cast off. Sew tog to form a ring, short side against short side. Fasten the threads and pull the bow through the ring. Fasten a ribbon or an elastic through the ring on the back of the bow.
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