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اشترك في: الاثنين إبريل 05, 2010 7:23 pm |
مشاركات: 13047 | مكان: المنصورة |
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
باترون جاكت تريكو بناتى بغرزة بيوت العسل
Knitted jacket with honeycomb pattern

Size: 3/4 - 5/6 - 7/8 - 9/10 - 11/12 years Size in cm: 98/104 - 110/116 - 122/128 - 134/140 - 146/152 Materials:200-200-250-250-300 g colour no 7120, light grey green
DOUBLE POINTED NEEDLES and CIRCULAR NEEDLE (60 cm) SIZE 3 mm - or size needed to get 24 sts x 32 rows in stocking st and 34 sts x 32 rows in honeycomb pattern = 10 x 10 cm. MOTHER-OF-PEARL BUTTONS w/HOLES, NO 521: 3-3-4-4-4 pieces
GARTER ST (back and forth on needle): K all rows. 1 ridge = 2 rows K.
GARTER ST (in the round): 1 ridge = 2 rounds * K 1 round and P 1 round *, repeat from *-*.
PATTERN: See diagram A-1. Diagram shows the pattern from RS.
BUTTON HOLES: Cast off for button holes on right band. 1 button hole = cast off 3rd st from mid front. On next row cast on 1 new st over the cast off st. Cast off for button holes when piece measures: Size 3/4: 21, 27 and 33 cm Size 5/6: 24, 30 and 36 cm Size 7/8: 25, 30, 35 and 40 cm Size 9/10: 27, 32, 37 and 42 cm Size 11/12: 29, 34, 39 and 44 cm
DECREASE TIP (applies to armholes): All dec are done from RS. Dec inside 3 sts in garter st. Work sts that do not fit A.1 in stocking st. Dec after 3 sts in garter st as follows: Slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso. Dec before 3 sts in garter st as follows: K 2 tog. ---------------------------------------------------------
JACKET: Worked back and forth on circular needle. Cast on 202-202-226-226-250 sts on circular needle size 3 mm with Alpaca. P 1 row from WS. Then work 6 rows in garter st - see explanation above. REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION! Then work in stocking st but work the 5 outermost sts (= band) in each side in garter st until finished measurements. When piece measures 24-26-28-29-30 cm, work 2 rows in garter st AT THE SAME TIME on 1st row inc 34-34-42-42-50 sts evenly = 236-236-268-268-300 sts on needle. Work next row from RS as follows: 5 sts in garter st, K 1, A-1 over the next 224-224-256-256-288 sts, finish with K 1 and 5 sts in garter st. Remember to cast off for button holes - see explanation above. Insert 2 markers in the piece; 62-62-70-70-78 sts in from each side (back piece = 112-112-128-128-144 sts). When piece measures 27-29-32-33-34 cm, work 2 rows in garter st over 8 sts on each side of markers, work the other sts as before. On next row cast off 4 sts on each side of every marker and finish each part separately.
BACK PIECE: = 104-104-120-120-136 sts. Work as follows from RS: 3 sts in garter st, K 1, work diagram A-1 over the next 96-96-112-112-128 sts, finish with K 1 and 3 sts in garter st. Dec for armholes in each side every other row as follows - read DECREASE TIP: 1 st 8 times = 88-88-104-104-120 sts. When piece measures 38-41-45-47-49 cm, cast off the middle 40-40-40-40-56 sts for neck = 24-24-32-32-32 sts remain on each shoulder. Finish each part separately. Cast off when piece measures 40-43-47-49-51 cm.
RIGHT FRONT PIECE: = 58-58-66-66-74 sts. Work as follows from RS: 5 sts in garter st, K 1, A.1 over the next 48-48-56-56-64 sts, finish with K 1 and 3 sts in garter st. Dec for armhole in the side as on back piece. Remember to cast off for button holes. AT THE SAME TIME when piece measures 34-37-41-43-45 cm, insert 14-14-14-14-22 sts towards mid front on a stitch holder. Then cast off for neck every other row as follows: 2 sts 4 times, and 1 st 4 times – work the sts that do not fit A-1 in stocking st. After all cast offs, 24-24-32-32-32 sts remain on shoulder. Cast off when piece measures 40-43-47-49-51 cm.
LEFT FRONT PIECE: Work as right front piece but reversed.
SLEEVE: Worked in the round on double pointed needles. Cast on 44-48-48-52-52 sts on double pointed needles size 3 mm with Alpaca. Insert a marker at the beg of round. Work 6 rounds in garter st, then work in stocking st until finished measurements. When piece measures 5 cm, inc 1 st on each side of marker, repeat every 3½-4-3½-4½-4 cm a total of 7-7-8-8-9 times = 58-62-64-68-70 sts. When piece measures 29-33-34-39-43 cm, cast off 3 sts on each side of marker, now work piece back and forth. Then cast off for sleeve cap in each side at beg of every row as follows: 2 sts 3 times and 1 st 0-1-3-5-6 times, then cast off 2 sts in each side until piece measures 33-38-40-46-51 cm, cast off 3 sts 1 time in each side. Cast off the remaining sts, piece measures approx. 34-39-41-47-52 cm.
NECK EDGE: Knit up 74 to 94 sts (incl sts on stitch holders) around the neck on circular needle size 3 mm. Work 6 rows in garter st. Cast off.
ASSEMBLY: Sew the shoulder seams. Sew in sleeves. Sew the buttons on to left front piece.
