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اشترك في: الاثنين إبريل 05, 2010 7:23 pm |
مشاركات: 13047 | مكان: المنصورة |
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته
باترون شراب تريكو بناتى بكشكشة وشغل جاكار
Knitted socks with pattern and flounce
Size: 22/23-24/25-26/28 (29/31-32/34-35/37) Foot length: 13-15-17 (18-20-22) cm Leg length: 18-19-20 (22-23-24) cm Materials: 100-150-150 (150-150-200) colour no 54, beige brown. 50 g colour no 01, off white 50 g colour no 52, dark mustard 50 g colour no 64, grey purple 50 g colour no 69, light grey green 50 g colour no 71, light beige
DOUBLE POINTED NEEDLES SIZE 4 mm - or size needed to get 21 sts x 28 rows in stocking st = 10 x 10 cm. DOUBLE POINTED NEEDLES SIZE 3 mm – for flounce
PATTERN: See diagrams A.1 and A.2. Diagrams show pattern from RS.
HEEL DECREASE: Row 1 (= RS): K until 6-6-6 (6-6-6) sts remain, slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso, turn piece. Row 2 (= WS): P until 6-6-6 (6-6-6) sts remain, slip 1 st as if to P, P 1, psso, turn piece. Row 3 (= RS): K until 5-5-5 (5-5-5) sts remain, slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso, turn piece. Row 4 (= WS): P until 5-5-5 (5-5-5) sts remain, slip 1 st as if to P, P 1, psso, turn piece. Continue dec like this with 1 st less before every dec until 8-10-10 (10-10-12) sts remain on needle.
DECREASE TIP: Work until 3 sts remain before marker, K 2 tog, K 2 (marker is between these 2 sts) and then K 2 twisted tog. --------------------------------------------------------
SOCK: Worked in the round on double pointed needles. Cast on 96-112-112 (112-112-128) sts on double pointed needles size 3 mm with beige brown Karisma. Work diagram A.1, after A.1 there are 48-56-56 (56-56-64) sts on needle. Continue with rib = K 2/P 2 until piece measures 4 cm. K 1 round while AT THE SAME TIME dec 0-2-2 (2-2-4) sts evenly = 48-54-54 (54-54-60) sts. Switch to double pointed needles size 4 mm. Insert a marker at beg of round (= mid back). Then continue in stocking st according to diagram A.2. REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION! After A.2, continue with beige brown until finished measurements. AT THE SAME TIME when piece measures 7-8-7 (8-7-8) cm, dec first and last st on round (= 2 sts dec) – SEE DECREASE TIP. Repeat dec every 2½-1½-2 (2½-3-2) cm 4-6-6 (5-5-7) more times = 38-40-40 (42-42-44) sts - NOTE: Pattern will not fit mid back when decreasing but make sure that pattern fits around the sock otherwise. When piece measures 18-19-20 (22-23-24) cm, keep the first 18-20-20 (20-20-22) sts on needle for heel and slip the last 20-20-20 (22-22-22) sts on a stitch holder (= mid on top of foot). Work in stocking st back and forth over heel sts for 4-4½-4½ (5-5-5) cm. Insert a marker in the piece. Then work HEEL DECREASE - see explanation above! After heel dec, knit up 8-9-9 (10-10-10) sts on each side of heel and slip the 20-20-20 (22-22-22) sts from stitch holder back on needle = 44-48-48 (52-52-54) sts. Insert a marker on each side of the 20-20-20 (22-22-22) sts on top of foot. Continue to work in stocking st in the round - AT THE SAME TIME dec in each side as follows: K the last 2 sts before the 20-20-20 (22-22-22) sts on top of foot twisted tog and K the first 2 sts after the 20-20-20 (22-22-22) sts tog. Repeat dec every other round 4 more times for all sizes = 34-38-38 (42-42-44) sts. Continue to work until piece measures 10-11-13 (14-16-18) cm from marker on heel (approx. 3-4-4 (4-4-4) cm remain until finished measurements). Now insert a marker in each side so that there are 17-19-19 (21-21-22) sts both on top of foot and under foot. On next round dec 1 st on each side of both markers for toe - SEE DECREASE TIP! Repeat dec every other round 2-3-3 (2-2-2) more times and then every round a total of 2-2-2 (4-4-5) times = 14-14-14 (14-14-12) sts remain on needle. On next round K all sts tog 2 by 2. Cut the thread and pull it through the remaining sts, tighten tog and fasten.