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 عنوان المشاركة: طاقية بيبى مشغولة من التريكو بغرزة الطوق وبالباترون
مرسل: الأحد إبريل 07, 2013 5:09 pm 
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اشترك في: الاثنين إبريل 05, 2010 7:23 pm
مشاركات: 13047
مكان: المنصورة

طاقية بيبى مشغولة من التريكو بغرزة الطوق وبالباترون

طاقية بيبى مشغولة من التريكو بغرزة الطوق وبالباترون

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Knitted hat in garter st



Size: 1/3 - 6/9 - 12/18 months (2 - 3/4) years
Fits head circumference in cm: 40/42-42/44-44/46 (48/50-50/52)

Materials:50 g for all sizes in colour no 04, light blue mix, or colour no 06, pink/purple mix

NEEDLE SIZE 2.5 mm - or size needed to get 26 sts x 52 rows in garter st = 10 x 10 cm.

All inc are done from RS.
Inc 1 st before and after st with marker by making 1 YO. On next round knit YO twisted (i.e knit in the back loop of YO instead of front) to avoid holes.

All dec are done from RS.
Dec 1 st on each side of st with marker. Beg 1 st before st with marker. Put 1 st on a cable needle behind the piece, slip 1 st (= st with marker), K next st and st on cable needle tog, psso.


Worked back and forth on needle – K all rows (= garters).
Cast on 119-127-135 (139-145) sts on needle size 2.5 mm with Delight. K 6 rows (1st row = RS).
Insert 7 markers in the piece as follows (from RS):
1st marker in the 1st st on needle,
2nd marker in the 22nd-24th-26st (28th-31st) st,
3rd marker in the 43rd-47th-51st (55th-61st) st,
4th marker in the 60th-64th-68th (70th-73rd) st,
5th marker in the 77th-81st-85th (85th-85th) st,
6th marker in the 98th-104th-110th (112th-115th) st and
7th marker in the last st on the needle.
Continue to K – AT THE SAME TIME on 1st row, beg to inc and dec – SEE INCREASE TIP AND DECREASE TIP!
Inc 1 st after 1st marker on every other row.
Dec 1 st on each side of the 2nd marker every other row.
Inc 1 st before 3rd marker on every other row.
Inc 1 st after 3rd marker on every 4th row.
Dec 1 st on each side of the 4th marker every 4th row.
Inc 1 st before 5th marker on every 4th row.
Inc 1 st after 5th marker on every other row.
Dec 1 st on each side of the 6th marker every other row.
Inc 1 st before 7th marker on every other row.
When piece measures 13-15-16 (18-19) cm (measured from bottom tip at 2nd and 6th marker) work next row from RS as follows: * K1, K2 tog *, repeat from *-* WHILE casting off.

Back of hat = cast off edge, i.e. 2 whole tips and 2 half tips.
The 2nd of the 3 whole tips in the opposite side of the piece = cast on edge, goes down to the forehead at the front.
Sew the hat tog edge to edge with 1 stitch in each st along the cast off edge as follows: Sew first half tip tog with first half of first whole tip. Continue to sew second half of first whole tip tog with first half of second whole tip. Then sew the other half of the second whole tip tog with the last half tip. Finish by sewing the hat tog mid back – make sure to sew edge to edge to avoid chunky seams.

Cast on 4 sts on needle size 2.5 mm with Delight.
Knit as follows: * K1, place yarn in front of piece (towards you), slip 1 st as if to P, place yarn behind piece (from you) *, repeat from *-* the rest of row and on all rows.
This becomes a string worked in the round.
Cast off when the string measures approx. 20-22-24 (26-28) cm. Knit a similar tie string.
Sew one tie string at the bottom of each tip on each side.

دورة تعلم الكروشيه من البداية وحتى الإحتراف


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أقرا ايضا
بطانية من التريكو للبيبى بسيطة جدا بغرزة الطوق
بطانية بيبى بغرزة الطحلب تريكو بالباترون
شراب بيبى من التريكو بالباترون سهل وبسيط
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بنطلون تريكو للبيبى بغرزة الطوق بالباترون
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سليبر للبيبى تريكو بغرزة الطوق بالباترون

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