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 عنوان المشاركة: سالوبيت تريكو صيفى نص كم للبيبى + لكلوك بالباترون
مرسل: الاثنين فبراير 03, 2014 4:58 pm 
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اشترك في: الثلاثاء مارس 12, 2013 8:24 pm
مشاركات: 655

سالوبيت تريكو صيفى نص كم للبيبى + لكلوك بالباترون

سالوبيت تريكو صيفى نص كم للبيبى + لكلوك بالباترون

http://parijanka.info/component/content ... -phil-1639

Jumpsuit with short sleeves (17)

Sizes : newborn (3 months / 6 months / 9 months)

Materials : thread Phil Coton 3 Phildar ('50 / 121 m) (100% cotton) 2 (2/3/3) coil color Mercure, 2 (2/2/2) coil color Ciel

Spokes № 2,5 and number 3. 9 buttons. 5 buttons.


Elastic 2 x 2

Persons. expanse of stripes: * 2 p. color Mercure, 2 p. color Ciel *, repeat from * to *.


10 cm faces. coats strips, needles number 3 n = 26 and 35 p.


Begin with half sleeve

Dial 30 (30/34/34) sts on needle color Mercure № 2,5, elastic knit 2 × 2, starting and ending with the first p. and every odd p. (License side of the work) paragraph 2 persons., 1.5 cm Continue persons. satin stripes, spokes number 3 (see matings) making 0 (1/0/0) additions in the first district. Obtain 30 (31/34/34) of subsection

At a height of 3.5 (5/6/7) cm from the gum to form a joint step, adding the right in each 2 p. 3 times and 1 st 1 time 2 sts get: 35 (36/39/39 ) §

At a height of 6.5 (8/9/10) cm from the gum to leave paragraph pending.

Knit the second half sleeve in the opposite direction. Obtain 70 (72/78/78) §

Make decrease on both sides in each 12 p. 5 times claim 1 (each 14 p. 2 times for 1 and claim 12 in each district. 3 × n 1/14 p. Above: 1 times and 1 st in each 12 p.: 5 times 1 st / 20 in each district.: 3 times 1 st and 18 p. above: 1 to 1 etc.). Remaining 60 (62/66/70) §

At a height of 26.5 (29.5 / 33.5 / 37.5) cm from the gum to form armhole closed

on both sides in each 2 p.: 1 3 sts 2 times and 2 sts 1 times 1 st

Remaining 44 (46/50/54) §

At a height of 35.5 (39.5 / 44.5 / 48.5) cm from the gum to form a neck, covering the central 10 (12/14/14) sts, then continue with each side separately, closing side of the neck 2 p . above: 1 to 7 §

At a height of 36.5 (40.5 / 45.5 / 49.5) cm from the gum to close the remaining 10 (10/11/13) sts for shoulder. Check out the second side of the neck.


Begin with half sleeve.

Dial 30 (30/34/34) sts on needle color Mercure № 2,5, elastic knit 2 × 2, starting and ending with the first p. and every odd p. (License side of the work) paragraph 2 persons., 1.5 cm

Continue persons. satin stripes, spokes number 3 (see matings) make 0 (1/0/0) additions in the first district. Obtain 30 (31/34/34) §

At a height of 3.5 (5/6/7) cm from the gum to form a joint step, adding the right in each 2 p. 3 times and 1 st 1 time 2 sts get: 35 (36/39/39 ) §

At a height of 6.5 (8/9/10) cm from the gum to leave paragraph pending.

Knit the second half sleeve in the opposite direction. Obtain 70 (72/78/78) §

Make decrease on both sides in each 12 p. 5 times claim 1 (each 14 p. 2 times for 1 and claim 12 in each district. 3 × n 1/14 p. Above: 1 times and 1 st in each 12 p.: 5 times 1 st / 20 in each district.: 3 times 1 st and 18 p. above: 1 1 n).

At the same time, at a height of 17.5 (19.5 / 26.5 / 30.5) cm from the gum, knit


Knit on the first 50 (51/53/54) and § § leave left waiting.

At a height of 22.5 (24.5 / 31.5 / 35.5) cm from the gum to form a neck, closing the left 1 times 2 sts, then every 2 p. 4 x 20 and n 2 1 n times (5 times in claim 2 and 19 times in claim 1/6 to 2 n times, and 18 times in claim 1/6 times in claim 2 and 18 times claim 1).

At a height of 26.5 (29.5 / 33.5 / 37.5) cm from the gum to form armhole closed

the outer side of each 2 p.: 1 to 3 n 2 n 2 times and 1 time according to claim 1

At a height of 36.5 cm from the gum to close the remaining 10 (11/10/13) for paragraph


Again, knit 14 (15/17/18) sts left left pending and add

Left 1 times 36 to (side separation). Obtain 50 (51/53/54) §

Check out the second side in the opposite direction.


Dial 38 (42/42/46) sts on needle color Mercure № 2,5, elastic knit 2 × 2, starting and ending with the first p. and every odd p. (License side of the work) paragraph 2 persons., 1.5 cm

Continue persons. satin stripes spokes number 3 (see matings) make 0 (0/2/0) adding in the first district. Obtain 38 (42/44/46) §

Add to both sides in each 2 p. 7 times 1 st obtain: 52 (56/58/60) of subsection

At a height of 4.5 cm from the gum to form a round, closed on both sides in each 2 p.: 1 § 4, 1 times 3 sts, 3 times 2 sts 1 time and 3 sts 1 to 4 times n (1 to 4 times n, 2 to 3 times to claim 1 claim 2 times 2 times 3 times to claim 1 and claim 4/1 to 4 times to claim 5 § 3 times and 1 time according to claim 4/1 to claim 5 times, 1 to 4 times claim 1 to claim 3 times, 1 to 2 n times 2 times 3 times to claim 1 and 4 etc.).

At a height of 8.5 cm from the gum to close the remaining 12 items

Knit second sleeve as well.


Dial 160 (164/168/168) sts on needle color Mercure № 2,5, elastic knit 2 × 2, starting and finishing 1 st p. and every odd p. (License side of the work) paragraph 3 persons. In the 3rd district., Distribute 4 buttonholes of paragraph 2, first paragraph 7 from the edge, the other separated by gaps 11 para

At a height of 1.5 cm from the beginning, do p. persons. on individuals. side and several p. persons. coats of another color.

These p., Will be needed during assembly to discover the main color.


Dial 9 to claim color Mercure spokes № 2,5, elastic knit 1 x 1 starting and ending the first p. and every odd p. (License side of the work) paragraph 2 persons., Height 18 (21/23/25) cm, then close. Knit the second lane as well.

Assembly and finishing

Make joints of shoulders, side seams and sleeves.

Sew them into the armholes. Sew the band finishes leg measurement.

Sew neck band loop in the loop on the individual. side of the work.

Sew buttons. Sew buttons on the seam and the jog buttons on each button. Make 2 of 2 threads lace color the Mercure (length

15 cm). Sew the lace at the neck edge transmission (bottom side)

and lace at the side seam.

Socks (19)

Sizes : newborn (3 months / 6 - 9 months)

Materials : Phil Coton 3 Phildar (50 g / 121 m) (100% cotton) 1 (1/1) tangle color Mercure, 1 (1/1) tangle color Ciel

Spokes № 2,5 and number 3


Elastic 2 x 2

Persons. surface.

Simple feeding system: remove 1 pt persons., knit the next paragraph persons., throw shot on unworked § §


10 cm faces. coats or persons. coats strips, needles number 4 n = 26 and 35 p.

Dial 34 (42/50) n spokes № 3,5, color Ciel, elastic knit 2 × 2, starting and finishing first p. and every odd p. (License side of the work) paragraph 2 persons.

At a height of 6.5 (7.5 / 8.5) cm from the beginning, to form half of heel as follows:

Leave 26 (34/42) n left pending and knit 8 sts on the right color Mercure, in anticipation of leaving in the middle of each 2 p.: 5 times 1 st, then knit 2 in each district. : 5 times in one paragraph and leave the 8 sts on hold.

Again last 8 sts knit and do the same job.

Again, all knit sts and knit individuals. satin color Mercure, to form the top of the foot.

At a height of 3.5 (4.5 / 5.5) cm from the beginning of the heel of the foot end of the form,


Knit 7 (9/11) sts, 1 simple broach, 2 sts together persons., 12 (16/20) of subsection 1

Easy broaching, 2 sts together, and 7 (9/11) §

Repeat these subtraction of one another in each 2 p. 5 (7/9) times.

Pass the thread and pull in §.

Assembly and finishing

Close sole and ankle joint.

Translated by Zheka1978

رد مع اقتباس

 عنوان المشاركة: Re: سالوبيت صيفى نص كم + لكلوك
مرسل: الاثنين فبراير 03, 2014 5:57 pm 
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اشترك في: الاثنين إبريل 05, 2010 7:23 pm
مشاركات: 13047
مكان: المنصورة

ياخراشى على الطعامة والجمال

دورة تعلم الكروشيه من البداية وحتى الإحتراف


رد مع اقتباس

 عنوان المشاركة: Re: سالوبيت صيفى نص كم + لكلوك
مرسل: السبت إبريل 26, 2014 2:43 am 
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اشترك في: الثلاثاء فبراير 18, 2014 2:52 pm
مشاركات: 5
حلو اوى ما شاء الله كلك ذوق

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