طواقى و لكاليك تريكو للبيبى منوعه بالباترونات
Beanie (d) 17 * 170 Bergere de France
Dimensions : 6/12 months. - 18/24 months.
Materials : yarn IDEAL (50 g / 125 m, 40% wool, 30% acrylic, 30% polyamide), color Cendre 1 roll, 1 roll Marin color, color Myosotis 1 skein. Spokes № 3,5.
The front surface of the spokes № 3,5.
Jacquard , spokes № 3,5. Follow the scheme.
Garter , spokes № 3,5.
Translated Parisienne
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Booties 34 * 67 Phildar
SIZES: 0 - 3 months
SUPER BABY (70% acrylic, 30% wool, 25 g / 107 m) 1 skein color OEILLET
Spokes № 2,5
Marking rings
The front surface of
2 sts together
Simple facial Broaching
Dial 36 sts on needles and knit № 2,5 20 p. stitch.
Form the upper part: aside from each side on 12 sts and continue in the central 12 points in techenie18 p.
Take a deferred right to claim 12, dial 14 sts on the first side of the top, attach the central claim 12, dial 14 sts on the second side of the upper part of the left and attach deferred 12 items
Obtain § 64
Knit right on the front of the stitch loops for 10 p.
Set aside for the sole on both sides on 26 sts, knit in garter st in the central paragraph 12 as follows:
On the front side of provyazhite 11 sts, then knit together face the 12th paragraph and 1st paragraph of deferred loops.
On the wrong side of 11 provyazhite claim, then do one simple broach from the 12th paragraph and 1st paragraph of deferred loops.
Continue knitting in the same way as there will be deferred for six loops on each side, and then close all the loops.
Tie the second bamshachok same way.
Booties (d) 18 MPT MC Phildar
One size
Yarn and accessories: Super Baby de Phildar (70% acrylic, 30% wool lamb): 1 skein color Flanelle; Partner Baby de Phildar (50% polyamide, 25% wool, 25% acrylic) 1 skein color Meringue; spokes number 2 , 5.
Applied matings:
- Garter
- Gum 1/1
- Persons. smooth surface
- Growth of broaches: enter under the left needle thread connecting item that you just knit and sled.p. In the thus formed loop perform lits.p. 1, introducing the right needle into back loop.
Dial § 41, ch. № 2,5, col. Meringue, knit elastic band 1/1 to a height of 4 cm
14 § postpone the edges and knit individuals. satin flowers. Flanelle 13 center. claim to a height of 4 cm to form the top of the foot.
Cut the thread, take a deferred right to claim 14, claim 13 pick by the 1st of the booties, take 13 center. etc., etc. to raise 13 second side booties and take left pending § 14.
We have 67 sts 10 rows of boards. viscous (ie 5 ridges), then form the sole trace. : 1 lits.p., 2 sts together persons., 27 lits.p., 2 sts together persons., 3 lits.p., 2 sts together persons., lits.p. 27, paragraph 2 together persons., 1 lits.p.
Repeat these dec over each other in every 2nd row 5 times.
§ 47 remains that close.
Second knit booties as well.
Dial § 3 b. № 2,5, col. Meringue, knit garter trail. follows:
1st and 2nd rows of all persons.
3rd row: K1. § 1 of the growth broach 1 individuals. § 1 of the growth broach 1 lits.p. We have 5 §
4th row and all even rows: all persons.
5th row: K1. § 1 of the growth broaches, 3 persons. § 1 of the growth broach 1 lits.p. We have 5 §
7th row: K1. § 1 of the growth broaches, 5 persons. § 1 of the growth broach 1 lits.p. We have 9 §
Knit 4 rows of people.
11th row: 4 lits.p., 2 sts together persons., 3 lits.p. Continue to each side separately.
12th row: all persons.
13th row: 2 sts together persons., 3 lits.p.
14th row: 3 sts to close the remaining deferred Mark 4 sts and finish as well.
Assign the same second heart.
Assembly and finishing:
Run the cuff seams and soles. Sew the top of each heart booties.
Translated by Ksyunya.
Hat and scarf (d) 02 and 03 * 61 (Phildar)
http://parijanka.info/detskie-modeli/in ... -phil-2128![صورة](http://www.lahlooba.net/files/2013/02/lahlooba_13866985)
Dimensions 1) 3 months - 2) 6 months - 3) 12 months - 4) 18/24 months
1) 2) 3) 4) 1 ball of yarn PHIL DOUCE ('50 / 86 m) (100% polyester) Color CHOCO
1) 2) 3) 4) 1 ball of yarn PHIL DOUCE color GR? GE
1) 2) 3) 4) 1 ball of yarn PARTNER 3,5 ('50 / 111 m) (50% polyamide, 25% worsted wool, 25% acrylic) color NOIR
Composition of models: 67% Polyester, 17% Polyamide, 8% worsted wool,
8% Acrylic
Spokes № 4,5 and № 3,5
Ring markers.
Persons. smooth surface
Gum 1 x 1
2 sts together persons.
2 sts together WS.
Simple broaching persons.: remove individual item. knit trail. etc., etc. to throw shot knit item
Simple broaching WS.: remove individual item., remove trace. § as individuals., wear them in this direction on the left needle, then knit these 2 sts together WS. taking them back.
Simple decrease in paragraph 1 from the edge:
Right : Knit 1 pt persons. or WS., then 2 sts together persons. or WS.
Left : Knit all but the last paragraph 3, make one simple broach persons. or WS., § 1 individuals. or WS.
Dual broaching persons.: remove individual item., knit 2 footprint. paragraph together persons., throw shot to claim the resulting claim
Dual broaching WS.: remove 2 sts together persons., remove trace. § as individuals., put them all 3 in this direction on the left needle, then knit 3 sts together, these WS. taking them back
Adding in paragraph 1 from the edge
Stalk embroidery stitch. Embroidery stitch loops
1 10 cm square faces. waste, thread PHIL DOUCE, spokes № 4,5 = 15 sts and 24 p.
Dial 1) 56 n - 2) 62 n - 3) § 64 - 4) 68 § CHOCO color spokes № 4,5, elastic knit 1 x 1 2 cm in height
Continue persons. stitch, making 3) the addition of 1 in the first district.
Get: 1) 56 n - 2) 62 n - 3) § 65 - 4) 68 §
At a height of 1) 8,5 cm - 2) 9 cm - 3) 9.5 cm - 4) 10 cm from the beginning to allocate 1) 9 - 2) 10 - 3) 10 - 4) 11 p to Bates. As follows follows:
1) Knit 3 sts, * 2 sts together, 4 sts *, repeat from * to * 8 times in total, then 2 sts together and finish the 3 sts
Remaining: 47 item
6 p. above, allocate 7 dec in p., as follows: knit 5 sts, * 1 simple broach, 4 sts *, repeat from * to * 6 times, then one simple broach and finish 4 sts
Remaining: 40 item
4 p. above, allocate 7 dec in p., as follows: Knit 4 sts, * 2 sts together, 3 sts *, repeat from * to * 6 times in total, then 2 sts and finish with 4 sts
Remaining: 33 item
2 p. above, allocate 7 dec in p., as follows: Knit 4 sts, * 1 simple broach, 2 sts *, repeat from * to * 6 times, then one simple broach and finish 3 sts
Remaining: 26 item
2 p. above all claim knit 2 together.
Remaining 13 sts, thread the yarn and pull in §.
2) Knit 3 sts, * 2 sts together, 4 sts *, repeat from * to * 9 times in total, then 2 sts together and finish the 3 sts
Remaining: 52 item
6 p. above, allocate 8 dec in p., as follows: Knit 4 sts, * 1 simple broach, 4 sts *, repeat from * to * 7 times, then one simple broach and finish 4 sts
Remaining: 44 item
4 p. above, allocate 8 Bates on p., as follows: Knit 4 sts, * 2 sts together, 3 sts *, repeat from * to * 7 times in total, then 2 sts together and finish the 3 sts
Remaining: 36 item
2 p. above, allocate 8 dec in p., as follows: Knit 3 sts, * 1 simple broach, 2 sts *, repeat from * to * 7 times, then one simple broach and finish 3 sts
Remaining: 28 item
2 p. above all claim knit 2 together
Remaining 14 sts, thread the yarn and pull in paragraph
3) knit 5 sts, * 2 sts together, 4 sts *, repeat from * to * 9 times in total, then 2 sts and finish with 4 sts
Remaining: 55 item
6 p. above, allocate 9 dec in p., as follows: Knit 3 sts, * 1 simple broach, 4 sts *, repeat from * to * 8 times, then one simple broach and finish 2 sts
Remaining: 46 item
4 p. above, allocate 9 dec in p., as follows: Knit 2 sts, * 2 sts together, 3 sts *, repeat from * to * 8 times in total, then 2 sts and finish with 2 pt
Remaining: 37 item
2 p. above, allocate 9 dec in p., as follows: Knit 2 sts, * 1 simple broach, 2 sts *, repeat from * to * 8 times, then one simple broach and finish 1 pt
Remaining: 28 item
2 p. above all claim knit 2 together.
Remaining 14 sts, thread the yarn and pull in §.
4) Knit 3 sts, * 2 sts together, 4 sts *, repeat from * to * 10 times in total, then 2 sts together and finish the 3 sts
Remaining: 57 in
6 p. above, allocate 10 dec at p., as follows: knit 5 sts, * 1 simple broach, 3 sts *, repeat from * to * 9 times, then one simple broach and finish 5 §
Remaining: 47 item
4 p. above, allocate 10 dec at p., as follows: knit 5 sts, * 2 sts together, 2 sts *, repeat from * to * 9 times in total, then 2 sts and finish with 4 sts
Remaining: 37 item
2 p. above, allocate 10 dec at p., as follows: Knit 4 sts, * 1 simple broach, § 1 *, repeat from * to * 9 times, then one simple broach and finish 4 sts
Remaining: 27 item
2 p. above, knit 1 st, then all n 2 together
Remaining 14 sts, thread the yarn and pull in §.
Dial 15 point color GREGE spokes № 4,5, knit WS. stitch.
At a height of 5.5 cm from the beginning, do both sides in one paragraph from the edge:
1 again decremented by 1, and then every 2 p. 2 times for 1 decremented.
Remaining 9 paragraph that close.
Dial 7 sts color NOIR spokes № 3,5, knit individuals. stitch.
Make both sides for 1 item from the edge: 1 1 additions, then
in each 2 p. 2 times for 1 addition.
Obtain § 13.
At 5 p. from the beginning, do both sides in one paragraph from the edge: 1 1 simple subtraction, then in each district. 3 times for 1 dec.
The following p., Knit 1 st, make 1 double broach and knit 1 st
The following p., Make 1 double broach, thread the thread in paragraph
3 item dial color NOIR spokes № 3,5, knit individuals. stitch.
In the second p., Knit 1 st, make 3 § In § § 1 and knit
Obtain 5 sts, continue straight.
In the fifth district., Knit 1 st, make a double broach and knit 1 st
Remaining 3 sts that close.
Knit the second part as well.
Dial 9 § CHOCO color spokes № 4,5, knit WS. stitch.
In the fifth district., Do both sides for 1 item from the edge: 1 1 Bates, then 2 p. above: 1 to 1 turndown. 5're like, close 2 p. above.
Knit the second part as well.
• Dial 8 sts color GREGE spokes № 4,5, knit WS. stitch.
In the fourth district., Do both sides for 1 item from the edge: 1 1 Bates, then 2 p. above: 1 to 1 turndown. Left 4 sts, close 2 p. above.
Knit the second part as well.
Close cap invisible seam.
Clair thread color do embroidery stitch loops on each eye.
Secure the face, eyes, nose (tip down) giving them shape, rounded (see photo).
Fold the two parts of the ears on one another (part GREGE color on color part CHOCO) to fix them together, then record them on top of the cap.
Color NOIR, embroider mouth stalk seam.
Scarf (d) 03 * 61 (Fildar)
Sizes 1) 3/6 months - 2), 12 months - 3) 18/24 Month
1) 2) 3) 2 coil thread PHIL DOUCE ('50 / 86 m) (100% polyester) Color CHOCO
1) 2) 3) 1 ball of yarn PHIL DOUCE color GR? GE
1) 2) 3) 1 ball of yarn PARTNER 3,5 ('50 / 111 m) (50% polyamide, 25% worsted wool, 25% acrylic) color NOIR
Composition of models: 75% Polyester, 13% Polyamide, 6% worsted wool, 6% Acrylic
Spokes № 4,5 and № 3,5
Ring markers
Persons. smooth surface
Simple broaching persons.: remove individual item. knit trail. § persons., throw shot on unworked § §
2 sts together
Double feeding system: remove one item of persons., knit 2 footprint. paragraph together persons., throw shot to claim the resulting claim
Adding in paragraph 1 from the edge
Simple decrease in paragraph 1 from the edge:
Right : Knit 1 individuals. etc., then do one simple broach
Left : Knit all but the last paragraph 3, paragraph 2 persons together. and one individual. §
1 10 cm square faces. waste, thread PHIL DOUCE, spokes № 4,5 = 15 sts and 24 p.
Dial 9 § CHOCO color spokes № 4,5, knit individuals. stitch.
Make both sides for 1 item from the edge (see matings) in each 2 p.: 2 x 1 and 4 to adding p. above: 1 to 1 to the addition
Obtain 15 sts, knit straight
At 1) 81 cm - 2) 86 cm - 3) 91 cm from the beginning, to form round, making both sides for 1 item from the edge: 1 1 decrease, followed by 4 p. above: 1 on 1 and 2 p decrease. above: 1 to 1 turndown
Remaining 9 sts, close.
Knit the second part as well.
Large pads
Dial 4 in color GR? GE, spokes № 4,5, knit WS. stitch.
Make both sides for 1 item from the edge (see mating) 2 p. above: 1 1 addition.
Get 6 sts, knit straight.
At an altitude of 8 p. from the beginning, do both sides in one paragraph from the edge: 1 1 Bates, then 2 p. above: close the remaining 4 sts
Knit the second part as well.
Small pads
§ 3 color dial GR? GE, spokes № 4,5, knit WS. stitch, height 4 p. and close.
Knit 5 other parts as well.
5 para dial color NOIR, spokes № 3,5, knit individuals. stitch, height 2 p.
3rd p.: Knit 1 simple broach, k1. § § 2 and together
4th p.: Knit 3 WS. §
5th district.: Essential 1 double broach, thread the yarn and pull in §.
Knit 5 other claws as well.
Attach two of the scarf, one against the other and to collect them (small stitches) rounded edges.
Secure the thread to sew 1 large and 3 small pads on each end of scarf, giving them shape rounding (see photo).
Close vertical claws (invisible seam) to fix 3 claws on each end of scarf.
Translated by Zheka1978
http://parijanka.info/detskie-modeli/in ... 9-phil-326![صورة](http://www.lahlooba.net/files/2013/02/lahlooba_1386698823251.jpg)
Hat and mitts 07 * 29 (Fildar)
Dimensions: A) 3-6 months. - B) 12 months.
For Beanie : thread PARTNER 3,5, color ACIER 1 - 1 skein color MINERAL 1 - 1 roll
For mitts: thread PARTNER 3,5, color ACIER 1 - 1 skein.
Composition: 25% acrylic, 50% polyamide, 25% lamb's wool, 50 g / 111 m
Spokes № 3,5, needle wool.
Dial: a) 43 - b) 47 sts, knit stitch height a) 17 cm - b) 18 cm footprint. number of close all the loops. Assign the second part is identical.
Remove the thread. Sew seam loop seal muzzle, whiskers stalk seam. Fold the two parties. of each other and sew the side seams, and also make a top seal. Make two braids 20 cm long and fixed at the bottom of the hat. Basting stitch embroidered eyelets (seam "forward needle") thickness piercing 2 hats.
Dial: a) 34 n - b) 37 sts, knit stitch height a) 7 cm - b) 8, see the following. number of close all the loops. Assign the second part is identical.
Remove the thread. Fold each piece in half. Sew according to instructions.[/align][/img][/img[/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img]